Modified GSS Codebook for the Data Used in this Text
The General Social Survey
2021 GSS (Cross-section study) Documentation and Public Use File Codebook (Release 2)
Edited and Modified for use with this text
Citation of This Document
In publications, please acknowledge the original source. The citation for this Public Use File is:
Davern, Michael; Bautista, Rene; Freese, Jeremy; Morgan, Stephen L.; and Tom W. Smith. General Social Survey 2021 Cross-section. [Machine-readable data file]. Principal Investigator, Michael Davern; Co-Principal Investigators, Rene Bautista, Jeremy Freese, Stephen L. Morgan, and Tom W. Smith. NORC ed. Chicago, 2021. 1 datafile (68,846 cases) and 1 codebook (506 pages).
Copyright 2021-2022 NORC
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this codebook, portions thereof, and the associated documentation (the “codebook”), to use the codebook, including, without limitation, the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, and distribute copies of the codebook, and to permit persons to whom the codebook is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or portions of the codebook. Any distribution of the codebook must be free of charge to the recipient, except for charges to recover duplicating costs.
The codebook is provided “as is,” without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of, or in connection with the codebook or the use or other dealings in the codebook.
Please contact the GSS team at with any questions or requests.
Notes on the modified version:
A modified version of the 2021 GSS was created for use with the Open Educational Resources text Social Data Analysis. This version is simplified for use by undergraduate students learning SPSS software; as such, survey weights and certain variables have been removed from the dataset and it has been converted to SPSS format. This codebook includes only important information about the 2021 GSS and information about those variables included in the modified dataset. Other information has been removed to shorted and simply the codebook. –Mikaila Mariel Lemonik Arthur
(Codebook for the Machine-Readable Data File 2021 General Social Survey Cross-section)
Principal Investigators | Michael Davern |
Co-Principal Investigator | René Bautista |
Co-Principal Investigator | Jeremy Freese |
Co-Principal Investigator | Stephen L. Morgan |
Co-Principal Investigator | Tom W. Smith |
Senior Advisor | Colm O’Muircheartaigh |
Research Associates | Jaesok Son Benjamin Schapiro Jodie Smylie Beth Fisher Katherine Burda Ned English Steven Pedlow Amy Idhe María Sánchez Eyob Moges Hans Erickson Abigail Norling Ruggles Rachel Sparkman |
Produced by NORC at the University of Chicago
This project was supported by the National Science Foundation
Introduction to the General Social Survey (GSS)
Topical modules are typically assigned to either two full ballots (e.g., A and B) or one full ballot and one half-ballot (e.g., A and BX), covering two-thirds or half of sample respondents, respectively. However, some topical modules are included on all ballots. Modules are usually assigned to specific ballots based on one of two conditions: overlap with other key questions (either ensuring that respondents to specific items also receive specific modules or that respondents to specific items do not receive specific modules), or time constraints. The GSS tries to balance the length of all six paths to be approximately equal. Topical modules may be administered via interviewer in any mode or completed by self-administered questionnaire, depending on the sensitivity of the items included.
Topical modules come from several different sources. While the GSS broadly is funded by NSF, individual modules may be sponsored by other government agencies, universities, research institutes, or individuals. The GSS typically includes modules every round that are related to the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), a consortium of national-level studies like the GSS (for more information, see Introduction to the International Social Survey Programme, below). Finally, modules may be solicited by the GSS Scientific Advisory Board or the Principal Investigators and can be included based on scientific merits and available time in the interview. The number of GSS modules varies by year.
Additionally, the GSS has implemented experimental designs over time or through collaborations (for instance, supporting other studies such as the National Organization Studies, National Congregations Study, National Voluntary Associations Study, and the 2016-2020 General Social Survey-American National Election Studies (GSS- ANES) Panel), which have led to several ancillary datasets.
Introduction to the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP)
The ISSP is a consortium of nationally representative research studies, like the GSS, who have all agreed to ask questions on the same topics on an annual basis. It emerged out of bilateral collaboration with NORC and the German organization Zentrum für Umfragen, Methoden, und Analysen (ZUMA; now part of GESIS-Leibniz Institute of the Social Sciences). Starting in 1982, each organization devoted a small segment of their national surveys, ALLBUS and GSS, to a common set of questions. The ISSP was formally established in 1984 by Australia, Germany, Great Britain, and the United States, and it now has 42 member countries across five continents and collects data in 70 countries. NORC represents the United States as a country in the ISSP.
ISSP modules have several defining criteria:
- Modules are developed in English and translated to every administered language.
- Modules must contain approximately 60 questions and can be supplemented by optional items, as well as around 40 items on background and demographic characteristics.
- Modules must contain the same items across all languages and studies, asked in the same order, with minor variations to account for mode differences or regional differences.[2]
- Each topical module must be administered within a relatively narrow time frame, usually about 18 months from the start of the relevant year.
ISSP Modules are currently replicated every 10 years, allowing for topics to be studied as both a multinational snapshot at a single point in time as well as a slowly evolving repeated cross-section of national opinions. While not every topic is repeated, the longest-running module is up to its fifth replication. ISSP rules require that when a topic is repeated, at least two-thirds of the questions must be repeated from a previous round, while up to one- third can be new questions.
Study Overview
Due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States in the early months of 2020, GSS staff redesigned the GSS in several ways to ensure the safety and well-being of all the people who participate in and administer the study.
In 2020, we conducted the GSS as two studies: 1) a panel reinterview of past respondents from the 2016 and 2018 cross-sectional GSS studies (referred to as the 2016-2020 GSS Panel), and 2) an independent fresh cross-sectional address-based sampling push-to-web study (referred to in this document as the 2021 GSS Cross-section but also known as the 2020 cross-sectional survey in previous documents). This codebook provides details of the second study—namely, the 2021 GSS Cross-section, where newly selected respondents answered a GSS questionnaire from December 2020 to May 2021. We refer to the second study as the 2021 GSS Cross-section because the majority of the data was collected in 2021. Documentation for the first study (the 2016-2020 GSS Panel) is provided separately. During the spring and summer of 2020, GSS staff redesigned both the panel and the cross-section to be administered primarily via web self-administered questionnaire, instead of face-to-face interviews, with phone interviews as a secondary mode.
Each of these major changes had several ramifications for sampling, fielding, questionnaire design, data cleaning, response rates, and weights.
Cross-section Overview
This codebook focuses on the 2021 GSS Cross-section survey. While this iteration of the Cross-section has meaningful changes from previous editions, there is much that remains consistent. Just as was done since 2004, the GSS Cross-section survey administers a full-probability sample approach with samples created from an adapted form of the United States Postal Service (USPS) metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/county frame area. More on the GSS conventional design can be found on pages 3177–3178 of the legacy cumulative codebook, available at the GSS website.
The GSS has been conducted since 1972 and currently functions as a social indicators program, which highly values historical trends and continuity. To that end, the GSS’s replicating core contains items that have been asked since its inception. In some cases, these items were asked on even older surveys, allowing for continuous measurement of concepts since the 1940s.
Table 1. Key Aspects of the 2021 GSS Cross-section | |
KEY ASPECTS | 2021 GSS Cross-section |
Sample | Adults 18 or older in the United States who live in noninstitutional housing at the time of interviewing |
Invitation | Mailing materials that show a web link to invite people to participate on the web (i.e., pushing respondent to a web survey first). Phone option was also provided. |
Survey mode | Web (supplemented by phone) |
Incentive | Both non-contingent pre-paid incentive and contingent post- paid incentive |
Final sample size | 4,032 completes from 27,591 lines of sample |
Response Rate (AAPOR RR3) | 17.4% |
Fielding period | December 1, 2020, to May 3, 2021 |
Administration | Mail push to web as primary mode, supplemented with phone |
Respondent selection within household | Last birthday method |
Language | English and Spanish |
Paradata derived from instrument | Paradata were recorded but are not available in release 1. |
Occasionally, the cumulative datafile is updated with newly cleaned or derived variables, and error corrections. Please see Release Notes for changes since the initial release of the 1972-2021 Cumulative file.
The GSS has been tracking trends in public opinion since 1972. Over this time, the GSS has taken great care to keep the survey methodology as comparable over time as possible, which includes everything from keeping the same sampling approach to not changing question wording. This is done to minimize potential changes due to methodology and support the study of changes in public opinion in the United States. However, due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 GSS8 needed to implement significant methodological adaptations for the safety of respondents and interviewers. Since its inception, the GSS has traditionally used in-person data collection as its primary mode of data collection. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the GSS altered its methodology for the first time to be primarily an address-based sampling push-to-web methodology in 2021. As a result, when examining changes in trends over time, we caution GSS data users to carefully examine how a change they are observing in a trend may have been impacted by the methodological differences employed in 2021. The 2021 GSS Cross-section codebook provides documentation of the methodological changes and adaptations that were necessary to transition the GSS survey from in-person to a web survey.
Total Survey Error Perspective for GSS Trend Estimates in 2021
The GSS was collected in 2021 to provide vital opinion data to the research community at a critical time in U.S. history. While the data will contribute to our understanding of society, any changes in public opinion seen in the 2021 GSS data could be due to either changes in actual opinion and/or changes the GSS made in the methodology to adapt to COVID-19. When evaluating the GSS for trend changes over time, we caution our users to carefully consider changes in the GSS methodology from a total survey error perspective. Total survey error is a way of comprehending the impact on estimates due to measurement, non-response, coverage, and sampling error. Below, we provide a high-level summary of the components of the total survey error in the 2021 GSS Cross-section, but we invite the user to carefully review the details in the present document.
Measurement Error: Changes in how survey questions were administered can impact the answers. The GSS has traditionally been conducted in person and administered by an interviewer. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the GSS needed to administer survey questions primarily over the web without any interviewer assistance. Some cases were collected over the phone as well. To adapt to the primary mode of administration (web), some changes were needed in the measures. For example, “Don’t Know” response categories were included for factual questions, but they were not displayed for opinion questions (only for factual questions). In the past, Don’t Knows could be recorded by interviewers regardless of whether they were factual or opinion questions.
Non-Response Error: Historically, the GSS has achieved high response rates well above 50 percent, mostly because in-person surveys can attain higher response rates. The 2021 GSS was conducted using a mail invite to push the respondent to the web. The 2021 GSS Cross-section response rate is 17 percent (which is still high for web surveys). Differential participation rates across selected GSS participants in 2020 relative to previous years could also contribute to a change in estimates. To help control for this concern, the GSS implemented an adjustment to known population totals for the 2021 Cross-section round based on a raking approach (i.e., post-stratification weighting) to ensure the weighted totals in the 2021 GSS Cross-section sample are as close as possible to the control totals from the U.S. Census Bureau estimates by education, sex, age, region of the country, race, and ethnicity.
Coverage Error: In 2021, the GSS had to change how it rostered and ultimately estimated adults residing in a household. Typically, household rosters have been used in the in-person methodology to randomly select one adult in the household to complete the survey. That is, in previous years the GSS has instructed interviewers to complete an initial household enumeration form to collect some basic data on everyone residing in a household and then randomly chose one adult with whom to complete the main interview. In the 2021 GSS such a household enumeration was not possible up front, and the GSS instructed selected households to identify the adult with the most recent birthday and to report the number of adults living in the household. It is possible that respondent selection may have happened at the household level or missed some household residents (for instance, people abroad, adult children living at home, etc.).
Sampling Error: The 2021 GSS Cross-section relies on scientific sampling to allow for the calculation of sampling error (i.e., margin of error). As in any scientific sample, any one trend from year to year can be impacted by the fact we only observed a sample and not the entire population. The dataset contains survey design variables (clusters, strata, and weights) to account for the complex survey sample design. And it is possible that our trend estimates are off by a sampling or “margin of error” between any given set of years. It is essential, therefore, to control for sampling error by conducting tests of significance for trend differences estimates.
We recommend our users include the one of the following statements when reporting on the GSS 2021 Cross-section data:
Total Survey Error Summary Perspective for the 2021 GSS Cross-section: Changes in opinions, attitudes, and behaviors observed in 2021 relative to historical trends may be due to actual change in concept over time and/or may have resulted from methodological changes made to the survey methodology during the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Suggested Statement to Include in Articles and Reports That Use GSS Data
To safeguard the health of staff and respondents during the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 GSS data collection used a mail-to-web methodology instead of its traditional in-person interviews. Research and interpretation done using the data should take extra care to ensure the analysis reflects actual changes in public opinion and is not unduly influenced by the change in data collection methods. For more information on the 2021 GSS methodology and its implications, please visit
Screenshots of Changes
The 2021 GSS Cross-section comprised primarily a self-administered web questionnaire. The following typical item from this questionnaire displays both the typical layout of a self-administered web questionnaire item and the change to Don’t Know response options discussed in Don’t Know and No Answer Responses.

Figure 1: Visual Display of a Survey Question in the 2021 GSS Cross-section
Appendix A: 2021 GSS Cross-section Outcomes
Table A1: 2021 GSS Cross-section Response Rate Calculation
Status | Frequency |
Complete | 4,032 |
Eligible cases (partial or NIR) | 5,589 |
Non-interviewed respondent – Eligibility not known | 19,670 |
Total | 27,591 |
Completes were defined as those cases that completed the full interview or met the data threshold predefined by the research team to be included with the Completes category. Partial completes were cases that started the GSS interview but did not meet the threshold to be included with Completes (i.e., completed two-thirds of the core section). Non-interviewed respondent (NIR) cases were split into two categories: eligibility known and eligibility not known. “Eligibility known” cases were those in which the sampled address was confirmed as being an occupied residence. “Eligibility not known” cases were those in which the address was not confirmed as being an occupied residence. Finally, out-of-scope cases were those in which the sampled address was identified as vacant, a business, or not an address. Out-of-scope cases were also those in which nobody in the sampled household spoke English or Spanish, or the selected respondent was ill or incapacitated and could not complete the interview. A total of 3,561 (88 percent) of completes were completed by web SAQ, with the remainder (471) completed by phone (12 percent).
APPENDIX B: Other GSS Documentation
This is the legacy codebook that combines all of the notes, appendices, and frequency tables of the GSS since its inception in 1972 up through 2018. This is useful to see how trends have changed over the decades, find question-level wording, and find when questions were added or discontinued.
A web-based interactive tool to access and analyze GSS data, question wording, and ballot timing. The Data Explorer is helpful to visualize individual variables’ trend lines or extract data into various software packages. The Data Explorer tool is going through renovations and it is expected to be upgraded in December of 2021.
The Codebook Guide to GSS Variables
1) ID Respondent's ID number RANGE: 1 to 4471 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 4032 2221.813 1289.407 2) WRKSTAT Last week were you working full time, part time, going to school, keeping house, or what? RANGE: 1 to 8 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 4024 3.111 2.254 1) Working full time 1776 44.1 2) Working part time 365 9.1 3) With a job, but not at work because of temporary illness, vacation, strike 104 2.6 4) Unemployed, laid off, looking for work 265 6.6 5) Retired 993 24.7 6) In school 88 2.2 7) Keeping house 315 7.8 8) Other 118 2.9 Missing 8 3) HRS1 How many hours did you work last week, at all jobs? Responses greater than 89 were coded 89. RANGE: 0 to 89 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2116 39.98 13.199 Missing 1916 4) WRKSLF (Are/were) you self employed or (do/did) you work for someone else? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3925 1.89 0.313 1) Self-employed 432 11.0 2) Someone else 3493 89.0 Missing 107 5) PRESTG10 Prestige of respondent's occupation RANGE: 16 to 80 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3873 46.544 13.811 6) MARITAL Are you currently - married, widowed, divorced, separated, or have you never been married? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 4023 2.438 1.655 1) Married 1999 49.7 2) Widowed 301 7.5 3) Divorced 655 16.3 4) Separated 96 2.4 5) Never married 972 24.2 Missing 9 7) DIVORCE IF CURRENTLY MARRIED OR WIDOWED: Have you ever been divorced or legally separated? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2300 1.737 0.44 1) Yes 605 26.3 2) No 1695 73.7 Missing 1732 8) WIDOWED IF CURRENTLY MARRIED, SEPARATED, OR DIVORCED: Have you ever been widowed? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2752 1.983 0.131 1) Yes 48 1.7 2) No 2704 98.3 Missing 1280 9) PAWRKSLF Was your [father/stepfather/male relative you were living with when you were 16] an employee, self-employed without employees, or self-employed with employees? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3349 1.758 0.428 1) Self-employed 810 24.2 2) Someone else 2539 75.8 Missing 683 10) PAPRES10 Prestige of respondent's father's occupation RANGE: 16 to 80 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3349 45.157 13.148 11) MAWRKSLF At this job, was [mother/stepmother/female relative you were living with when you were 16] an employee, self-employed without employees, or self-employed with employees? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2797 1.897 0.304 1) Self-employed 287 10.3 2) Someone else 2510 89.7 Missing 1235 12) MAPRES10 Prestige of respondent's mother's occupation RANGE: 16 to 80 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2767 42.664 13.168 13) SIBS How many brothers and sisters did you have? Please count those born alive, but no longer living, as well as those alive now. Also include stepbrothers and stepsisters, and children adopted by your parents. RANGE: 0 to 35 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3968 3.13 2.646 Missing 64 14) CHILDS How many children have you ever had? Please count all that were born alive at any time (including any you had from a previous marriage). RANGE: 0 to 8 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3983 1.7 1.526 0) None 1163 29.2 1) One 646 16.2 2) Two 1152 28.9 3) Three 578 14.5 4) Four 277 7.0 5) Five 79 2.0 6) Six 52 1.3 7) Seven 17 0.4 8) Eight or more 19 0.5 Missing 49 15) AGE Respondent's age RANGE: 18 to 89 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3699 52.165 17.233 Missing 333 16) AGEKDBRN How old were you when your first child was born? RANGE: 9 to 57 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2803 25.47 6.192 17) EDUC Respondent's education RANGE: 0 to 20 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3966 14.769 2.8 Missing 66 18) PAEDUC What is the highest grade in elementary school or high school that your father finished and got credit for? RANGE: 0 to 20 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3090 12.546 3.809 Missing 942 19) MAEDUC What is the highest grade in elementary school or high school that your mother finished and got credit for? RANGE: 0 to 20 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3613 12.504 3.294 Missing 419 20) DEGREE Respondent's degree RANGE: 0 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 4009 2.116 1.283 0) Less than high school 246 6.1 1) High school 1597 39.8 2) Associate/junior degree 370 9.2 3) Bachelor's 1036 25.8 4) Graduate 760 19.0 Missing 23 21) SEX Respondent's sex RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3940 1.559 0.497 1) Male 1736 44.1 2) Female 2204 55.9 Missing 92 22) RACE What race do you consider yourself? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3978 1.32 0.649 1) White 3110 78.2 2) Black 4 63 11.6 3) Other 405 10.2 Missing 54 23) RES16 Which of these categories comes closest to the type of place you were living in when you were 16 years old? RANGE: 1 to 6 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 4029 3.824 1.5 1) In open country but not on a farm 406 10.1 2) Farm 204 5.1 3) In a small city or town (under 50,000) 1208 30.0 4) In a medium-size city (50,000-250,000) 777 19.3 5) In a suburb near a large city 742 18.4 6) In a large city (over 250,000) 692 17.2 Missing 3 24) REG16 In what state or foreign country were you living when you were 16 years old? RANGE: 1 to 9 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 4018 5.128 2.621 1) New England 176 4.4 2) Middle Atlantic 543 13.5 3) East North Central 812 20.2 4) West North Central 335 8.3 5) South Atlantic 536 13.3 6) East South Atlantic 235 5.8 7) West South Central 356 8.9 8) Mountain 242 6.0 9) Pacific 783 19.5 Missing 14 25) MOBILE16 IF STATE NAMED IS SAME STATE R. LIVES IN NOW, ASK MOBILE16: When you were 16 years old, were you living in this same (city/town/county)? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3608 2.039 0.8 1) Same state, same city 1087 30.1 2) Same state, different city 1294 35.9 3) Different state 1227 34.0 Missing 424 26) MAWRKGRW Did your mother ever work for pay for as long as a year, while you were growing up? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3770 1.242 0.429 1) Yes 2856 75.8 2) No 914 24.2 Missing 262 27) INCOM16 Thinking about the time when you were 16 years old, compared with American families in general then, would you say your family income was: far below average, below average, average, above average, or far above average? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3826 2.739 0.952 1) Far below average 421 11.0 2) Below average 1013 26.5 3) Average 1625 42.5 4) Above average 679 17.7 5) Far above average 88 2.3 Missing 206 28) BORN Were you born in this country? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3960 1.112 0.316 1) Yes 3516 88.8 2) No 444 11.2 Missing 72 29) GRANBORN (Were all of your four grandparents born in this country?...) IF NO: how many were born outside the United States? RANGE: 0 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3633 0.979 1.52 0) None 2379 65.5 1) One 220 6.1 2) Two 350 9.6 3) Three 99 2.7 4) Four 585 16.1 Missing 399 30) MABORN Was(your mother/ your stepmother/ the female relative you were living with at 16) born in this country? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3939 1.159 0.366 1) Yes 3312 84.1 2) No 627 15.9 Missing 93 31) PABORN Was(your father/your stepfather/the male relative you were living with at 16) born in this country? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3918 1.166 0.372 1) Yes 3269 83.4 2) No 649 16.6 Missing 114 32) SEXBIRTH1 Was your sex recorded as male or female at birth? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3928 1.56 0.497 1) Male 1730 44.0 2) Female 2198 56.0 Missing 104 33) REGION Region of interview RANGE: 1 to 9 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 4032 5.192 2.454 1) New England 203 5.0 2) Middle Atlantic 414 10.3 3) East North Central 676 16.8 4) West North Central 314 7.8 5) South Atlantic 800 19.8 6) East South Atlantic 270 6.7 7) West South Central 426 10.6 8) Mountain 345 8.6 9) Pacific 584 14.5 34) PARTYID Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican, Democrat, Independent, or what? RANGE: 0 to 7 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 4000 2.776 2.135 0) Strong Democrat 822 20.6 1) Not very strong Democrat 541 13.5 2) Independent, close to Democrat 471 11.8 3) Independent (neither, no response) 817 20.4 4) Independent, close to Republican 327 8.2 5) Not very strong Republican 384 9.6 6) Strong Republican 524 13.1 7) Other party 114 2.9 Missing 32 35) VOTE16 In 2016, you remember that Hillary Clinton ran for president on the Democratic ticket against Donald Trump for the Republicans. Do you remember for sure whether or not you voted in that election? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3703 1.28 0.567 1) Voted 2886 77.9 2) Did not vote 596 16.1 3) Ineligible 221 6.0 Missing 329 36) PRES16 Did you vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2764 1.551 0.69 1) Clinton 1509 54.6 2) Trump 1037 37.5 3) Other candidate (please specify) 169 6.1 4) Didn't vote for President 49 1.8 Missing 1268 37) IF16WHO Who would you have voted for, for president, if you had voted? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 761 1.859 0.809 1) Clinton 310 40.7 2) Trump 248 32.6 3) Other 203 26.7 Missing 3271 38) POLVIEWS We hear a lot of talk these days about liberals and conservatives. I'm going to show you a seven-point scale on which the political views that people might hold are arranged from extremely liberal - point one - to extremely conservative - point seven. Where would you place yourself on this scale? RANGE: 1 to 7 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3964 3.968 1.536 1) Extremely liberal 207 5.2 2) Liberal 623 15.7 3) Slightly liberal 490 12.4 4) Moderate, middle of the road 1377 34.7 5) Slightly conservative 476 12.0 6) Conservative 617 15.6 7) Extremely conservative 174 4.4 Missing 68 39) NATSPAC (Let's begin with some things people think about today. We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Space exploration program RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1969 1.975 0.685 1) Too little 488 24.8 2) About right 1043 53.0 3) Too much 438 22.2 Missing 2063 40) NATENVIR (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Improving and protecting the environment RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1979 1.401 0.658 1) Too little 1376 69.5 2) About right 413 20.9 3) Too much 190 9.6 Missing 2053 41) NATHEAL (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Improving and protecting the nation's health RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1966 1.418 0.644 1) Too little 1314 66.8 2) About right 483 24.6 3) Too much 169 8.6 Missing 2066 42) NATCITY (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Solving the problems of big cities RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1949 1.661 0.763 1) Too little 1009 51.8 2) About right 591 30.3 3) Too much 349 17.9 Missing 2083 43) NATCRIME (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Halting the rising crime rate RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1969 1.449 0.644 1) Too little 1249 63.4 2) About right 556 28.2 3) Too much 164 8.3 Missing 2063 44) NATDRUG (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Dealing with drug addiction RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1964 1.466 0.647 1) Too little 1216 61.9 2) About right 581 29.6 3) Too much 167 8.5 Missing 2068 45) NATEDUC (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Improving the nation's education system RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1976 1.349 0.618 1) Too little 1439 72.8 2) About right 384 19.4 3) Too much 153 7.7 Missing 2056 46) NATRACE (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Improving the condition of Blacks RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1959 1.654 0.759 1) Too little 1020 52.1 2) About right 596 30.4 3) Too much 343 17.5 Missing 2073 47) NATARMS (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) The military, armaments, and defense RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1974 2.068 0.764 1) Too little 513 26.0 2) About right 814 41.2 3) Too much 647 32.8 Missing 2058 48) NATAID (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Foreign aid RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1969 2.472 0.655 1) Too little 177 9.0 2) About right 686 34.8 3) Too much 1106 56.2 Missing 2063 49) NATFARE (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Welfare RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1970 2.023 0.797 1) Too little 604 30.7 2) About right 717 36.4 3) Too much 649 32.9 Missing 2062 50) NATROAD (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Highways and bridges RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 4004 1.485 0.599 1) Too little 2281 57.0 2) About right 1504 37.6 3) Too much 219 5.5 Missing 28 51) NATSOC (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Social Security RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 4002 1.478 0.59 1) Too little 2286 57.1 2) About right 1518 37.9 3) Too much 198 4.9 Missing 30 52) NATMASS (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Mass transportation RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3996 1.675 0.62 1) Too little 1628 40.7 2) About right 2039 51.0 3) Too much 329 8.2 Missing 36 53) NATPARK (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Parks and recreation RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 4002 1.684 0.545 1) Too little 1428 35.7 2) About right 2412 60.3 3) Too much 162 4.0 Missing 30 54) NATCHLD (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Assistance for childcare RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3984 1.518 0.641 1) Too little 2244 56.3 2) About right 1418 35.6 3) Too much 322 8.1 Missing 48 55) NATSCI (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Supporting scientific research RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3996 1.62 0.622 1) Too little 1820 45.5 2) About right 1873 46.9 3) Too much 303 7.6 Missing 36 56) NATENRGY (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Developing alternative energy sources RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 4008 1.54 0.678 1) Too little 2265 56.5 2) About right 1321 33.0 3) Too much 422 10.5 Missing 24 57) NATSPACY (Let's begin with some things people think about today. We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Space exploration RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2030 2.018 0.687 1) Too little 461 22.7 2) About right 1071 52.8 3) Too much 498 24.5 Missing 2002 58) NATENVIY (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Improving and protecting the environment RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2040 1.399 0.648 1) Too little 1410 69.1 2) About right 447 21.9 3) Too much 183 9.0 Missing 1992 59) NATHEALY (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Health RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2025 1.47 0.711 1) Too little 1333 65.8 2) About right 432 21.3 3) Too much 260 12.8 Missing 2007 60) NATCITYY (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Assistance to big cities RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2014 2.058 0.76 1) Too little 526 26.1 2) About right 846 42.0 3) Too much 642 31.9 Missing 2018 61) NATCRIMY (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Law enforcement RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2037 1.806 0.778 1) Too little 853 41.9 2) About right 727 35.7 3) Too much 457 22.4 Missing 1995 62) NATDRUGY (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Drug rehabilitation RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2023 1.495 0.671 1) Too little 1225 60.6 2) About right 595 29.4 3) Too much 203 10.0 Missing 2009 63) NATEDUCY (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Education RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2031 1.321 0.607 1) Too little 1532 75.4 2) About right 346 17.0 3) Too much 153 7.5 Missing 2001 64) NATRACEY (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Assistance to Blacks RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2006 1.728 0.762 1) Too little 930 46.4 2) About right 692 34.5 3) Too much 384 19.1 Missing 2026 65) NATARMSY (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) National defense RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2033 2.046 0.74 1) Too little 512 25.2 2) About right 915 45.0 3) Too much 606 29.8 Missing 1999 66) NATAIDY (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Assistance to other countries RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2031 2.501 0.67 1) Too little 202 9.9 2) About right 609 30.0 3) Too much 1220 60.1 Missing 2001 67) NATFAREY (We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I'm going to name some of these problems, and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether you think we're spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.) Assistance to the poor RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2038 1.406 0.648 1) Too little 1392 68.3 2) About right 464 22.8 3) Too much 182 8.9 Missing 1994 68) EQWLTH Some people think that the government in Washington ought to reduce the income differences between the rich and the poor, perhaps by raising the taxes of wealthy families or by giving income assistance to the poor. Others think that the government should not concern itself with reducing this income difference between the rich and the poor. Here is a card with a scale from one to seven. Think of a score of one as meaning that the government ought to reduce the income differences between rich and poor, and a score of seven meaning that the government should not concern itself with reducing income differences. What score between one and seven comes closest to the way you feel? RANGE: 1 to 7 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2661 3.385 2.2 1) The government should reduce income differences 882 33.1 2) 242 9.1 3) 325 12.2 4) 389 14.6 5) 249 9.4 6) 153 5.7 7) The government should not concern itself with reducing income differences 421 15.8 Missing 1371 69) TAX Do you consider the amount of federal income tax which you have to pay as too high, about right, or too low? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2634 1.467 0.552 1) Too high 1478 56.1 2) About right 1082 41.1 3) Too much 74 2.8 Missing 1398 70) SPKATH There are always some people whose ideas are considered bad or dangerous by other people. For instance, somebody who is against all churches and religion... If such a person wanted to make a speech in your (city/town/community) against churches and religion, should he be allowed to speak, or not? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1312 1.186 0.389 1) Yes, allowed to speak 1068 81.4 2) Not allowed 244 18.6 Missing 2720 71) COLATH (There are always some people whose ideas are considered bad or dangerous by other people. For instance, somebody who is against all churches and religion...) Should such a person be allowed to teach in a college or university, or not? RANGE: 4 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2647 4.304 0.46 4) Yes, allowed to teach 1842 69.6 5) Not allowed 805 30.4 Missing 1385 72) LIBATH (There are always some people whose ideas are considered bad or dangerous by other people. For instance, somebody who is against all churches and religion...) If some people in your community suggested that a book he wrote against churches and religion should be taken out of your public library, would you favor removing this book, or not? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1310 1.844 0.363 1) Remove 204 15.6 2) Not remove 1106 84.4 Missing 2722 73) SPKRAC Or consider a person who believes that Blacks are genetically inferior. If such a person wanted to make a speech in your community claiming that Blacks are inferior, should he be allowed to speak, or not? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1310 1.512 0.5 1) Yes, allowed to speak 639 48.8 2) Not allowed 671 51.2 Missing 2722 74) COLRAC (Or consider a person who believes that Blacks are genetically inferior...) Should such a person be allowed to teach in a college or university, or not? RANGE: 4 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2633 4.672 0.47 4) Yes, allowed to teach 864 32.8 5) Not allowed 1769 67.2 Missing 1399 75) LIBRAC (Or consider a person who believes that Blacks are genetically inferior...) If some people in your community suggested that a book he wrote which said Blacks are inferior should be taken out of your public library, would you favor removing this book, or not? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1301 1.613 0.487 1) Remove 503 38.7 2) Not remove 798 61.3 Missing 2731 76) SPKCOM Now, we would like to ask you some questions about a man who admits he is a Communist. Suppose this admitted Communist wanted to make a speech in your community. Should he be allowed to speak, or not? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1305 1.266 0.442 1) Yes, allowed to speak 958 73.4 2) Not allowed 347 26.6 Missing 2727 77) COLCOM (Now, we would like to ask you some questions about a man who admits he is a Communist...) Suppose he is teaching in a college. Should he be fired, or not? RANGE: 4 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1293 4.704 0.457 4) Yes, fired 383 29.6 5) Not fired 910 70.4 Missing 2739 78) LIBCOM (Now, we would like to ask you some questions about a man who admits he is a Communist...) Suppose he wrote a book which is in your public library. Somebody in your community suggests that the book should be removed from the library. Would you favor removing it, or not? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1303 1.787 0.41 1) Remove 278 21.3 2) Not remove 1025 78.7 Missing 2729 79) SPKMIL Consider a person who advocates doing away with elections and letting the military run the country. If such a person wanted to make a speech in your community, should he be allowed to speak, or not? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1301 1.381 0.486 1) Yes, allowed to speak 805 61.9 2) Not allowed 496 38.1 Missing 2731 80) COLMIL (Consider a person who advocates doing away with elections and letting the military run the country...) Should such a person be allowed to teach in a college or university, or not? RANGE: 4 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2637 4.529 0.499 4) Yes, allowed to teach 1243 47.1 5) Not allowed 1394 52.9 Missing 1395 81) LIBMIL Suppose he wrote a book advocating doing away with elections and letting the military run the country. Somebody in your community suggests that the book be removed from the public library. Would you favor removing it, or not? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1302 1.699 0.459 1) Remove 392 30.1 2) Not remove 910 69.9 Missing 2730 82) SPKHOMO And what about a man who admits that he is homosexual... Suppose this admitted homosexual wanted to make a speech in your community. Should he be allowed to speak, or not? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1304 1.083 0.276 1) Yes, allowed to speak 1196 91.7 2) Not allowed 108 8.3 Missing 2728 83) COLHOMO Should such a person be allowed to teach in a college or university, or not? RANGE: 4 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2656 4.069 0.253 4) Yes, allowed to teach 2473 93.1 5) Not allowed 183 6.9 Missing 1376 84) LIBHOMO (And what about a man who admits that he is homosexual...) If some people in your community suggested that a book he wrote in favor of homosexuality should be taken out of your public library, would you favor removing this book, or not? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1308 1.867 0.34 1) Remove 174 13.3 2) Not Remove 1134 86.7 Missing 2724 85) SPKMSLM Now consider a Muslim clergyman who preaches hatred of the United States. If such a person wanted to make a speech in your community preaching hatred of the United States, should he be allowed to speak, or not? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1307 1.519 0.5 1) Yes, allowed 629 48.1 2) Not allowed 678 51.9 Missing 2725 86) COLMSLM Should such a person be allowed to teach in a college or university, or not? RANGE: 4 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2646 4.67 0.47 4) Yes, allowed to teach 874 33.0 5) Not allowed 1772 67.0 Missing 1386 87) LIBMSLM (Now consider a Muslim clergyman who preaches hatred of the United States...) If some people in your community suggested that a book he wrote which preaches hatred of the United States should be taken out of your public library, would you favor removing this book, or not? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1304 1.564 0.496 1) Remove 569 43.6 2) Not remove 735 56.4 Missing 2728 88) CAPPUN Do you favor or oppose the death penalty for persons convicted of murder? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3957 1.438 0.496 1) Favor 2222 56.2 2) Oppose 1735 43.8 Missing 75 89) GUNLAW Would you favor or oppose a law which would require a person to obtain a police permit before he or she could buy a gun? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3992 1.327 0.469 1) Favor 2686 67.3 2) Oppose 1306 32.7 Missing 40 90) RACLIVE Are there any ('Whites' for Black respondents, 'Blacks' for non-Black respondents) living in this neighborhood now? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3587 1.176 0.381 1) Yes 2955 82.4 2) No 632 17.6 Missing 445 91) RELIG What is your religious preference? Is it Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, some other religion, or no religion? RANGE: 1 to 13 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3951 2.774 2.358 1) Protestant 1590 40.2 2) Catholic 824 20.9 3) Jewish 75 1.9 4) None 1121 28.4 5) Other 55 1.4 6) Buddhism 47 1.2 7) Hinduism 30 0.8 8) Other Eastern religions 2 0.1 9) Muslim/Islam 25 0.6 10) Orthodox Christian 37 0.9 11) Christian 124 3.1 12) Native American 3 0.1 13) Inter/nondenominational 18 0.5 Missing 81 92) FUND Fundamentalism/liberalism of respondent's religion RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3742 2.255 0.719 1) Fundamentalist 612 16.4 2) Moderate 1565 41.8 3) Liberal 1565 41.8 Missing 290 93) ATTEND How often do you attend religious services? (USE CATEGORIES AS PROBES, IF NECESSARY.) RANGE: 0 to 8 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3962 2.853 2.756 0) Never 1178 29.7 1) Less than once a year 565 14.3 2) About once or twice a year 453 11.4 3) Several times a year 403 10.2 4) About once a month 122 3.1 5) Two to three times a month 200 5.0 6) Nearly every week 331 8.4 7) Every week 532 13.4 8) Several times a week 178 4.5 Missing 70 94) PRAY About how often do you pray? (USE CATEGORIES AS PROBES.) RANGE: 1 to 6 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3955 3.255 1.968 1) Several times a day 1139 28.8 2) Once a day 656 16.6 3) Several times a week 542 13.7 4) Once a week 175 4.4 5) Less than once a week 560 14.2 6) Never 883 22.3 Missing 77 95) SPREL What is your (SPOUSE'S) religious preference? Is it Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, some other religion, or no religion? RANGE: 1 to 7 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1639 2.422 1.451 1) Protestant 590 36.0 2) Catholic 465 28.4 3) Jewish 27 1.6 4) None 486 29.7 5) Other 26 1.6 6) Buddhism 20 1.2 7) Hinduism 25 1.5 Missing 2393 96) AFFRMACT Some people say that because of past discrimination, Blacks should be given preference in hiring and promotion. Others say that such preference in hiring and promotion of Blacks is wrong because it discriminates against Whites. What about your opinion? Are you for or against preferential hiring and promotion of Blacks? IF FAVORS: Do you favor preference in hiring and promotion strongly or not strongly? IF OPPOSES: Do you oppose preference in hiring and promotion strongly or not strongly? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2628 3.063 1.041 1) Strongly favors 349 13.3 2) Not strongly favors 299 11.4 3) Not strongly opposes 818 31.1 4) Strongly opposes 1162 44.2 Missing 1404 97) WRKWAYUP Do you agree strongly, agree somewhat, neither agree nor disagree, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly with the following statement (HAND CARD TO RESPONDENT) Irish, Italians, Jewish and many other minorities overcame prejudice and worked their way up. Blacks should do the same without special favors. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2688 2.878 1.418 1) Agree strongly 609 22.7 2) Agree somewhat 536 19.9 3) Neither agree nor disagree 640 23.8 4) Disagree somewhat 380 14.1 5) Disagree strongly 523 19.5 Missing 1344 98) HAPPY Taken all together, how would you say things are these days - would you say that you are very happy, pretty happy, or not too happy? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 4014 2.035 0.651 1) Very happy 783 19.5 2) Pretty happy 2308 57.5 3) Not too happy 923 23.0 Missing 18 99) HAPMAR (IF CURRENTLY MARRIED, ASK HAPMAR) Taking things all together, how would you describe your marriage? Would you say that your marriage is very happy, pretty happy, or not too happy? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1986 1.427 0.565 1) Very happy 1211 61.0 2) Pretty happy 701 35.3 3) Not too happy 74 3.7 Missing 2046 100) HEALTH Would you say your own health, in general, is excellent, good, fair, or poor? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 4023 2.06 0.739 1) Excellent 835 20.8 2) Good 2264 56.3 3) Fair 773 19.2 4) Poor 151 3.8 Missing 9 101) LIFE In general, do you find life exciting, pretty routine, or dull? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2669 1.691 0.562 1) Exciting 962 36.0 2) Routine 1571 58.9 3) Dull 136 5.1 Missing 1363 102) CONFINAN (I am going to name some institutions in this country. As far as the people running this institution are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?) Banks and financial institutions RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2660 2.039 0.633 1) A great deal 482 18.1 2) Only some 1592 59.8 3) Hardly any 586 22.0 Missing 1372 103) CONBUS (I am going to name some institutions in this country. As far as the people running this institution are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?) Major companies RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2656 2.048 0.62 1) A great deal 450 16.9 2) Only some 1628 61.3 3) Hardly any 578 21.8 Missing 1376 104) CONCLERG (I am going to name some institutions in this country. As far as the people running this institution are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?) Organized religion RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2650 2.183 0.669 1) A great deal 394 14.9 2) Only some 1377 52.0 3) Hardly any 879 33.2 Missing 1382 105) CONEDUC (I am going to name some institutions in this country. As far as the people running this institution are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?) Education RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2658 2.052 0.619 1) A great deal 443 16.7 2) Only some 1633 61.4 3) Hardly any 582 21.9 Missing 1374 106) CONFED (I am going to name some institutions in this country. As far as the people running this institution are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?) Executive branch of the federal government RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2658 2.318 0.686 1) A great deal 336 12.6 2) Only some 1140 42.9 3) Hardly any 1182 44.5 Missing 1374 107) CONLABOR (I am going to name some institutions in this country. As far as the people running this institution are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?) Organized labor RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2648 2.151 0.594 1) A great deal 297 11.2 2) Only some 1655 62.5 3) Hardly any 696 26.3 Missing 1384 108) CONPRESS (I am going to name some institutions in this country. As far as the people running this institution are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?) Press RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2654 2.358 0.679 1) A great deal 306 11.5 2) Only some 1093 41.2 3) Hardly any 1255 47.3 Missing 1378 109) CONMEDIC (I am going to name some institutions in this country. As far as the people running this institution are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?) Medicine RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2662 1.69 0.631 1) A great deal 1070 40.2 2) Only some 1346 50.6 3) Hardly any 246 9.2 Missing 1370 110) CONTV (I am going to name some institutions in this country. As far as the people running this institution are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?) TV RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2660 2.341 0.617 1) A great deal 207 7.8 2) Only some 1340 50.4 3) Hardly any 1113 41.8 Missing 1372 111) CONJUDGE (I am going to name some institutions in this country. As far as the people running this institution are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?) U.S. Supreme Court RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2662 1.943 0.676 1) A great deal 689 25.9 2) Only some 1437 54.0 3) Hardly any 536 20.1 Missing 1370 112) CONSCI (I am going to name some institutions in this country. As far as the people running this institution are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?) Scientific community RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2654 1.563 0.616 1) A great deal 1337 50.4 2) Only some 1141 43.0 3) Hardly any 176 6.6 Missing 1378 113) CONLEGIS (I am going to name some institutions in this country. As far as the people running this institution are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?) Congress RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2661 2.485 0.597 1) A great deal 141 5.3 2) Only some 1089 40.9 3) Hardly any 1431 53.8 Missing 1371 114) CONARMY (I am going to name some institutions in this country. As far as the people running this institution are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?) Military RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2656 1.624 0.653 1) A great deal 1254 47.2 2) Only some 1147 43.2 3) Hardly any 255 9.6 Missing 1376 115) OBEY (If you had to choose, which thing on this list would you pick as the most important for a child to learn to prepare him or her for life? Which comes next in importance? Which comes third? Which comes fourth?) To obey RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2573 3.875 1.027 1) First 127 4.9 2) Second 160 6.2 3) Third 294 11.4 4) Fourth 1318 51.2 5) Fifth 674 26.2 Missing 1459 116) POPULAR (If you had to choose, which thing on this list would you pick as the most important for a child to learn to prepare him or her for life? Which comes next in importance? Which comes third? Which comes fourth?) To be well-liked or popular RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2573 4.649 0.64 1) First 21 0.8 2) Second 20 0.8 3) Third 48 1.9 4) Fourth 663 25.8 5) Fifth 1821 70.8 Missing 1459 117) THNKSELF (If you had to choose, which thing on this list would you pick as the most important for a child to learn to prepare him or her for life? Which comes next in importance? Which comes third? Which comes fourth?) To think for himself or herself RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2573 1.93 1.111 1) First 1268 49.3 2) Second 581 22.6 3) Third 411 16.0 4) Fourth 262 10.2 5) Fifth 51 2.0 Missing 1459 118) WORKHARD (If you had to choose, which thing on this list would you pick as the most important for a child to learn to prepare him or her for life? Which comes next in importance? Which comes third? Which comes fourth?) To work hard RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2573 2.201 0.865 1) First 624 24.3 2) Second 934 36.3 3) Third 894 34.7 4) Fourth 116 4.5 5) Fifth 5 0.2 Missing 1459 119) HELPOTH (If you had to choose, which thing on this list would you pick as the most important for a child to learn to prepare him or her for life? Which comes next in importance? Which comes third? Which comes fourth?) To help others when they need help RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2573 2.345 0.926 1) First 533 20.7 2) Second 878 34.1 3) Third 926 36.0 4) Fourth 214 8.3 5) Fifth 22 0.9 Missing 1459 120) SOCREL (Would you use this card and tell me which answer comes closest to how often you do the following things...) Spend a social evening with relatives? RANGE: 1 to 7 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2705 3.912 1.615 1) Almost daily 191 7.1 2) Once or twice a week 438 16.2 3) Several times a month 478 17.7 4) About once a month 481 17.8 5) Several times a year 694 25.7 6) About once a year 275 10.2 7) Never 148 5.5 Missing 1327 121) SOCOMMUN (Would you use this card and tell me which answer comes closest to how often you do the following things...) Spend a social evening with someone who lives in your neighborhood? RANGE: 1 to 7 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2705 5.277 1.78 1) Almost daily 39 1.4 2) Once or twice a week 235 8.7 3) Several times a month 272 10.1 4) About once a month 322 11.9 5) Several times a year 438 16.2 6) About once a year 323 11.9 7) Never 1076 39.8 Missing 1327 122) SOCFREND (Would you use this card and tell me which answer comes closest to how often you do the following things...) Spend a social evening with friends who live outside the neighborhood? RANGE: 1 to 7 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2701 4.473 1.508 1) Almost daily 34 1.3 2) Once or twice a week 253 9.4 3) Several times a month 467 17.3 4) About once a month 554 20.5 5) Several times a year 777 28.8 6) About once a year 273 10.1 7) Never 343 12.7 Missing 1331 123) SOCBAR (Would you use this card and tell me which answer comes closest to how often you do the following things...) Go to a bar or tavern? RANGE: 1 to 7 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2702 5.688 1.465 1) Almost daily 5 0.2 2) Once or twice a week 91 3.4 3) Several times a month 190 7.0 4) About once a month 271 10.0 5) Several times a year 513 19.0 6) About once a year 461 17.1 7) Never 1171 43.3 Missing 1330 124) JOBLOSE Thinking about the next 12 months, how likely do you think it is that you will lose your job or be laid off--very likely, fairly likely, not too likely, or not at all likely? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1495 3.395 0.706 1) Very likely 34 2.3 2) Fairly likely 92 6.2 3) Not too likely 619 41.4 4) Not likely 750 50.2 Missing 2537 125) JOBFIND About how easy would it be for you to find a job with another employer with approximately the same income and fringe benefits you now have? Would you say very easy, somewhat easy, or not easy at all? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1489 2.269 0.703 1) Very easy 221 14.8 2) Somewhat easy 647 43.5 3) Not easy 621 41.7 Missing 2543 126) SATJOB On the whole, how satisfied are you with the work you do—would you say you are very satisfied, moderately satisfied, a little dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2734 1.755 0.809 1) Very satisfied 1198 43.8 2) Moderately satisfied 1119 40.9 3) A little dissatisfied 305 11.2 4) Very dissatisfied 112 4.1 Missing 1298 127) RICHWORK (IF CURRENTLY WORKING OR TEMPORARILY NOT AT WORK, ASK RICHWORK.) If you were to get enough money to live as comfortably as you would like for the rest of your life, would you continue to work or would you stop working? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1624 1.382 0.486 1) Continue to work 1004 61.8 2) Stop working 620 38.2 Missing 2408 128) CLASS If you were asked to use one of four names for your social class, which would you say you belong in: the lower class, the working class, the middle class, or the upper class? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 4018 2.495 0.713 1) Lower class 349 8.7 2) Working class 1501 37.4 3) Middle class 1999 49.8 4) Upper class 169 4.2 Missing 14 129) RANK (In our society there are groups which tend to be toward the top and those that are toward the bottom. Here we have a scale that runs from top to bottom...) Where would you put yourself on this scale? RANGE: 1 to 10 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1966 4.58 1.718 1) Top 76 3.9 2) 89 4.5 3) 361 18.4 4) 365 18.6 5) 685 34.8 6) 142 7.2 7) 134 6.8 8) 64 3.3 9) 20 1.0 10) Bottom 30 1.5 Missing 2066 130) SATFIN We are interested in how people are getting along financially these days. So far as you and your family are concerned, would you say that you are pretty well satisfied with your present financial situation, more or less satisfied, or not satisfied at all? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 4016 1.927 0.739 1) Pretty well satisfied 1254 31.2 2) More or less satisfied 1800 44.8 3) Not satisfied at all 962 24.0 Missing 16 131) FINALTER During the last few years, has your financial situation been getting better, worse, or has it stayed the same? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 4021 1.991 0.894 1) Getting better 1623 40.4 2) Getting worse 811 20.2 3) Stayed the same 1587 39.5 Missing 11 132) FINRELA Compared with American families in general, would you say your family income is far below average, below average, average, above average, or far above average? (PROBE: Just your best guess.) RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 4020 2.938 0.962 1) Far below average 287 7.1 2) Below average 978 24.3 3) Average 1603 39.9 4) Above average 1000 24.9 5) Far above average 152 3.8 Missing 12 133) WKSUB We have some more questions about [your/your spouse's] job. At work, [do you/does your spouse] have a supervisor to whom [you/he or she] are directly responsible? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2500 1.169 0.375 1) Yes 2077 83.1 2) No 423 16.9 Missing 1532 134) WKSUBS IF YES: Does that supervisor have a supervisor to whom he or she is directly responsible? RANGE: 3 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2049 3.113 0.317 3) Yes 1817 88.7 4) No 232 11.3 Missing 1983 135) WKSUP At work, [do you/does your spouse] supervise anyone who is directly responsible to [you/your spouse]? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2548 1.669 0.471 1) Yes 844 33.1 2) No 1704 66.9 Missing 1484 136) UNION Do you (or your spouse) belong to a labor union? (Who?) RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2652 3.679 0.874 1) Yes, respondent belongs 212 8.0 2) Yes, spouse belongs 88 3.3 3) Yes, both belong 39 1.5 4) No, neither belong 2313 87.2 Missing 1380 137) UNION1 Do you (or your spouse or partner) belong to a labor union? (Who?) RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2652 3.678 0.867 1) Yes, respondent belongs 202 7.6 2) Yes, spouse or partner belongs 100 3.8 3) Yes, both belong 49 1.8 4) No, neither belong 2301 86.8 Missing 1380 138) PARSOL Compared to your parents when they were the age you are now, do you think your own standard of living now is much better, somewhat better, about the same, somewhat worse, or much worse than theirs was? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2653 2.404 1.114 1) Much better 656 24.7 2) Somewhat better 835 31.5 3) About the same 703 26.5 4) Somewhat worse 353 13.3 5) Much worse 106 4.0 Missing 1379 139) ABDEFECT (Please tell me whether or not you think it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if...) If there is a strong chance of serious defect in the baby? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1435 1.215 0.411 1) Yes 1126 78.5 2) No 309 21.5 Missing 2597 140) ABNOMORE (Please tell me whether or not you think it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if...) If she is married and does not want any more children? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1424 1.409 0.492 1) Yes 841 59.1 2) No 583 40.9 Missing 2608 141) ABHLTH (Please tell me whether or not you think it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if...) If the woman's own health is seriously endangered by the pregnancy? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1431 1.099 0.298 1) Yes 1290 90.1 2) No 141 9.9 Missing 2601 142) ABPOOR (Please tell me whether or not you think it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if...) If the family has a very low income and cannot afford any more children? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1425 1.421 0.494 1) Yes 825 57.9 2) No 600 42.1 Missing 2607 143) ABRAPE (Please tell me whether or not you think it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if...) If she becomes pregnant as a result of rape? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1430 1.153 0.36 1) Yes 1211 84.7 2) No 219 15.3 Missing 2602 144) ABSINGLE (Please tell me whether or not you think it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if...) If she is not married and does not want to marry the man? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1425 1.429 0.495 1) Yes 813 57.1 2) No 612 42.9 Missing 2607 145) ABANY (Please tell me whether or not you think it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if...) If the woman wants it for any reason? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1328 1.436 0.496 1) Yes 749 56.4 2) No 579 43.6 Missing 2704 146) ABDEFECTG (Please tell me whether or not you think it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if...) If there is a strong chance of serious defect in the baby? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1176 1.207 0.406 1) Yes 932 79.3 2) No 244 20.7 Missing 2856 147) ABNOMOREG (Please tell me whether or not you think it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if...) If she is married and does not want any more children? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1165 1.467 0.499 1) Yes 621 53.3 2) No 544 46.7 Missing 2867 148) ABHLTHG (Please tell me whether or not you think it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if...) If the woman's own health is seriously endangered by the pregnancy? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1188 1.106 0.308 1) Yes 1062 89.4 2) No 126 10.6 Missing 2844 149) ABPOORG (Please tell me whether or not you think it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if...) If the family has a very low income and cannot afford any more children? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1160 1.437 0.496 1) Yes 653 56.3 2) No 507 43.7 Missing 2872 150) ABRAPEG (Please tell me whether or not you think it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if...) If she becomes pregnant as a result of rape? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1179 1.173 0.378 1) Yes 975 82.7 2) No 204 17.3 Missing 2853 151) ABSINGLEG (Please tell me whether or not you think it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if...) If she is not married and does not want to marry the man? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1158 1.461 0.499 1) Yes 624 53.9 2) No 534 46.1 Missing 2874 152) ABANYG (Please tell me whether or not you think it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if...) If the woman wants it for any reason? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1300 1.401 0.49 1) Yes 779 59.9 2) No 521 40.1 Missing 2732 153) PROCHOIC (We hear a lot of talk these days about abortion. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.) I consider myself pro-choice. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3551 2.448 1.306 1) Strongly agree 1053 29.7 2) Agree 1004 28.3 3) Neither agree nor disagree 729 20.5 4) Disagree 379 10.7 5) Strongly disagree 386 10.9 Missing 481 154) PROLIFE (We hear a lot of talk these days about abortion. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.) I consider myself pro-life. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3537 2.888 1.329 1) Strongly agree 660 18.7 2) Agree 791 22.4 3) Neither agree nor disagree 941 26.6 4) Disagree 574 16.2 5) Strongly disagree 571 16.1 Missing 495 155) CHLDIDEL What do you think is the ideal number of children for a family to have? RANGE: 0 to 8 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2693 4.13 2.674 0) 49 1.8 1) 49 1.8 2) 1076 40.0 3) 501 18.6 4) 160 5.9 5) 22 0.8 6) 9 0.3 7) Seven or more 3 0.1 8) As many as you want 824 30.6 Missing 1339 156) PILLOK Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree that methods of birth control should be available to teenagers between the ages of 14 and 16 if their parents do not approve? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2691 2.099 1.028 1) Strongly agree 947 35.2 2) Agree 885 32.9 3) Disagree 505 18.8 4) Strongly disagree 354 13.2 Missing 1341 157) SEXEDUC Would you be for or against sex education in the public schools? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2688 1.089 0.284 1) Favor 2450 91.1 2) Oppose 238 8.9 Missing 1344 158) PREMARSX There's been a lot of discussion about the way morals and attitudes about sex are changing in this country. If a man and a woman have sexual relations before marriage, do you think it is always wrong, almost always wrong, wrong only sometimes, or not wrong at all? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2680 3.306 1.098 1) Always wrong 390 14.6 2) Almost always wrong 162 6.0 3) Wrong only sometimes 367 13.7 4) Not wrong at all 1761 65.7 Missing 1352 159) TEENSEX What if they are in their early teens, say 14 to 16 years old? In that case, do you think sex relations before marriage are always wrong, almost always wrong, wrong only sometimes, or not wrong at all? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2679 2.048 1.12 1) Always wrong 1196 44.6 2) Almost always wrong 581 21.7 3) Wrong only sometimes 479 17.9 4) Not wrong at all 423 15.8 Missing 1353 160) XMARSEX What is your opinion about a married person having sexual relations with someone other than the marriage partner—is it always wrong, almost always wrong, wrong only sometimes, or not wrong at all? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2650 1.553 0.831 1) Always wrong 1667 62.9 2) Almost always wrong 606 22.9 3) Wrong only sometimes 272 10.3 4) Not wrong at all 105 4.0 Missing 1382 161) HOMOSEX What about sexual relations between two adults of the same sex—do you think it is always wrong, almost always wrong, wrong only sometimes, or not wrong at all? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2611 3.047 1.313 1) Always wrong 693 26.5 2) Almost always wrong 112 4.3 3) Wrong only sometimes 185 7.1 4) Not wrong at all 1621 62.1 Missing 1421 162) PORNLAW Which of these statements comes closest to your feelings about pornography laws? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2652 1.793 0.518 1) There should be laws against the distribution of pornography whatever the age 686 25.9 2) There should be laws against the distribution of pornography to persons under 18 1828 68.9 3) There should be no laws forbidding the distribution of pornography 138 5.2 Missing 1380 163) XMOVIE Have you seen an X-rated movie in the last year? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2656 1.696 0.46 1) Yes 808 30.4 2) No 1848 69.6 Missing 1376 164) SPANKING Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree that it is sometimes necessary to discipline a child with a good, hard spanking? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2684 2.49 0.952 1) Strongly agree 424 15.8 2) Agree 977 36.4 3) Disagree 827 30.8 4) Strongly disagree 456 17.0 Missing 1348 165) LETDIE1 When a person has a disease that cannot be cured, do you think doctors should be allowed by law to end the patient's life by some painless means if the patient and his family request it? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1316 1.29 0.454 1) Yes 934 71.0 2) No 382 29.0 Missing 2716 166) SUICIDE1 (Do you think a person has the right to end his or her own life if this person...) Has an incurable disease? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1212 1.268 0.443 1) Yes 887 73.2 2) No 325 26.8 Missing 2820 167) SUICIDE2 (Do you think a person has the right to end his or her own life if this person...) Has gone bankrupt? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1298 1.881 0.324 1) Yes 155 11.9 2) No 1143 88.1 Missing 2734 168) SUICIDE3 (Do you think a person has the right to end his or her own life if this person...) Has dishonored his or her own family? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1317 1.89 0.313 1) Yes 145 11.0 2) No 1172 89.0 Missing 2715 169) SUICIDE4 (Do you think a person has the right to end his or her own life if this person...) Is tired or living and ready to die? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1231 1.795 0.404 1) Yes 252 20.5 2) No 979 79.5 Missing 2801 170) POLHITOK Are there any situations you can imagine in which you would approve of a policeman striking an adult male citizen? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1300 1.315 0.465 1) Yes 890 68.5 2) No 410 31.5 Missing 2732 171) POLABUSE (Would you approve of a policeman striking a citizen who...) Had said vulgar and obscene things to the policeman? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1304 1.923 0.266 1) Yes 100 7.7 2) No 1204 92.3 Missing 2728 172) POLMURDR (Would you approve of a policeman striking a citizen who...) Was being questioned as a suspect in a murder case? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2634 1.787 0.409 1) Yes 560 21.3 2) No 2074 78.7 Missing 1398 173) POLESCAP (Would you approve of a policeman striking a citizen who...) Was attempting to escape from custody? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2639 1.402 0.49 1) Yes 1579 59.8 2) No 1060 40.2 Missing 1393 174) POLATTAK (Would you approve of a policeman striking a citizen who...) Was attacking the policeman with his fists? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1303 1.214 0.41 1) Yes 1024 78.6 2) No 279 21.4 Missing 2729 175) FEAR Is there any area right around here—that is, within a mile—where you would be afraid to walk alone at night? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 4022 1.65 0.477 1) Yes 1409 35.0 2) No 2613 65.0 Missing 10 176) OWNGUN Do you happen to have in your home (IF HOUSE: or garage) any guns or revolvers? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3922 1.65 0.482 1) Yes 1383 35.3 2) No 2529 64.5 3) Refused 10 0.3 Missing 110 177) HUNT1 Do you (or does your [husband/wife/partner]) go hunting? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 4025 3.658 0.887 1) Yes, respondent does 325 8.1 2) Yes, spouse or partner does 155 3.9 3) Yes, both do 93 2.3 4) No, neither respondent nor spouse or partner does 3452 85.8 Missing 7 178) NEWS How often do you read the newspaper—every day, a few times a week, once a week, less than once a week, or never? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2696 3.3 1.628 1) Every day 642 23.8 2) A few times a week 361 13.4 3) Once a week 240 8.9 4) Less than once a week 452 16.8 5) Never 1001 37.1 Missing 1336 179) TVHOURS On the average day, about how many hours do you personally watch television? RANGE: 0 to 24 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2683 3.458 3.109 Missing 1349 180) FECHLD Please read the following statements and indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with each statement. For example, here is the statement: A working mother can establish just as warm and secure a relationship with her children as a mother who does not work. RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2714 1.817 0.793 1) Strongly agree 1062 39.1 2) Agree 1173 43.2 3) Disagree 394 14.5 4) Strongly disagree 85 3.1 Missing 1318 181) FEPRESCH A preschool child is likely to suffer if his or her mother works. RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2707 2.97 0.766 1) Strongly agree 105 3.9 2) Agree 520 19.2 3) Disagree 1433 52.9 4) Strongly disagree 649 24.0 Missing 1325 182) FEFAM It is much better for everyone involved if the man is the achiever outside the home and the woman takes care of the home and family. RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2708 3.132 0.841 1) Strongly agree 131 4.8 2) Agree 410 15.1 3) Disagree 1137 42.0 4) Strongly disagree 1030 38.0 Missing 1324 183) RACDIF1 On the average (Negroes/Blacks/African-Americans) have worse jobs, income, and housing than white people. Do you think these differences are... Mainly due to discrimination? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2681 1.432 0.495 1) Yes 1524 56.8 2) No 1157 43.2 Missing 1351 184) RACDIF2 (On the average (Negroes/Blacks/African-Americans) have worse jobs, income, and housing than white people. Do you think these differences are...) Because most (Negroes/Blacks/African-Americans) have less in-born ability to learn? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2689 1.948 0.223 1) Yes 141 5.2 2) No 2548 94.8 Missing 1343 185) RACDIF3 (On the average (Negroes/Blacks/African-Americans) have worse jobs, income, and housing than white people. Do you think these differences are...) Because most (Negroes/Blacks/African-Americans) don't have the chance for education that it takes to rise out of poverty? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2673 1.435 0.496 1) Yes 1511 56.5 2) No 1162 43.5 Missing 1359 186) RACDIF4 (On the average (Negroes/Blacks/African-Americans) have worse jobs, income, and housing than white people. Do you think these differences are...) Because most (Negroes/Blacks/African-Americans) just don't have the motivation or willpower to pull themselves up out of poverty? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2666 1.735 0.441 1) Yes 706 26.5 2) No 1960 73.5 Missing 1366 187) HELPPOOR Next, here are issues that some people tell us are important. Some people think that the government in Washington should do everything possible to improve the standard of living of all poor Americans, they are at Point One on the scale below. Other people think it is not the government's responsibility, and that each person should take care of himself, they are at Point Five. Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you made up your mind on this? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2633 2.682 1.254 1) Government should help 675 25.6 2) 335 12.7 3) Agree with both 1035 39.3 4) 327 12.4 5) People should help themselves 261 9.9 Missing 1399 188) HELPNOT Some people think that the government in Washington is trying to do too many things that should be left to individuals and private businesses. Others disagree and think that the government should do even more to solve our country's problems. Still others have opinions somewhere in between. Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you made up your mind on this? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2609 2.859 1.293 1) Government should do more 539 20.7 2) 386 14.8 3) Agree with both 977 37.4 4) 319 12.2 5) Government does too much 388 14.9 Missing 1423 189) HELPSICK In general, some people think that it is the responsibility of the government in Washington to see to it that people have help in paying for doctors and hospital bills. Others think that these matters are not the responsibility of the federal government and that people should take care of these things themselves. Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you made up your mind on this? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2627 2.376 1.267 1) Government should help 917 34.9 2) 471 17.9 3) Agree with both 793 30.2 4) 227 8.6 5) People should care for themselves 219 8.3 Missing 1405 190) HELPBLK Some people think that Blacks have been discriminated against for so long that the government has a special obligation to help improve their living standards. Others believe that the government should not be giving special treatment to Blacks. Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you made up your mind on this? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2602 3.027 1.457 1) Government should help 560 21.5 2) 407 15.6 3) Agree with both 679 26.1 4) 315 12.1 5) No special treatment 641 24.6 Missing 1430 191) GOD Please look at this card and tell me which statement comes closest to expressing what you believe about God. RANGE: 1 to 6 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2615 4.657 1.682 1) Don't believe 173 6.6 2) Don't know, no way to find out 237 9.1 3) Higher power 341 13.0 4) Believe sometimes 124 4.7 5) Believe with doubts 427 16.3 6) No doubts 1313 50.2 Missing 1417 192) REBORN Would you say you have been born again or have had a born again experience—that is, a turning point in your life when you committed yourself to Christ? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2600 1.661 0.474 1) Yes 882 33.9 2) No 1718 66.1 Missing 1432 193) SAVESOUL Have you ever tried to encourage someone to believe in Jesus Christ or to accept Jesus Christ as his or her savior? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3949 1.63 0.483 1) Yes 1461 37.0 2) No 2488 63.0 Missing 83 194) LIVEBLKS Now, I'm going to ask you about different types of contact with various groups of people. In each situation would you please tell me whether you would be very much in favor of it happening, somewhat in favor, neither in favor nor opposed to it happening, somewhat opposed or very much opposed to it happening? Living in a neighborhood where half of your neighbors were Black? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2695 2.722 0.943 1) Strongly favor 454 16.8 2) Favor 234 8.7 3) Neither favor nor oppose 1694 62.9 4) Oppose 233 8.6 5) Strongly oppose 80 3.0 Missing 1337 195) MARBLK How about having a close relative marry a Black person? Would you be very in favor of it happening, somewhat in favor, neither in favor nor opposed to it happening, somewhat opposed, or very opposed to it happening? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2698 2.624 0.944 1) Strongly favor 546 20.2 2) Favor 196 7.3 3) Neither favor nor oppose 1747 64.8 4) Oppose 144 5.3 5) Strongly oppose 65 2.4 Missing 1334 196) MARASIAN How about having a close relative marry an Asian American person? Would you be very in favor of it happening, somewhat in favor, neither in favor nor opposed to it happening, somewhat opposed, or very opposed to it happening? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2689 2.588 0.88 1) Strongly favor 513 19.1 2) Favor 242 9.0 3) Neither favor nor oppose 1816 67.5 4) Oppose 76 2.8 5) Strongly oppose 42 1.6 Missing 1343 197) MARHISP How about having a close relative marry a Hispanic person? Would you be very in favor of it happening, somewhat in favor, neither in favor nor opposed to it happening, somewhat opposed, or very opposed to it happening? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2690 2.58 0.882 1) Strongly favor 517 19.2 2) Favor 257 9.6 3) Neither favor nor oppose 1794 66.7 4) Oppose 82 3.0 5) Strongly oppose 40 1.5 Missing 1342 198) MARWHT What about having a close relative marry a White person? Would you be very in favor of it happening, somewhat in favor, neither in favor nor opposed to it happening, somewhat opposed, or very opposed to it happening? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2694 2.461 0.922 1) Strongly favor 666 24.7 2) Favor 235 8.7 3) Neither favor nor oppose 1709 63.4 4) Oppose 54 2.0 5) Strongly oppose 30 1.1 Missing 1338 199) RACWORK IF EMPLOYED: Are the people who work where you work all White, mostly White, about half and half, mostly Black, or all Black? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1371 2.253 0.722 1) All White 163 11.9 2) Mostly White 757 55.2 3) About half and half 397 29.0 4) Mostly Black 49 3.6 5) All Black 5 0.4 Missing 2661 200) DISCAFF What do you think the chances are these days that a white person won't get a job or promotion while an equally or less qualified Black person gets one instead? Is this very likely, somewhat likely, or not very likely to happen these days? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3948 2.367 0.688 1) Very likely 476 12.1 2) Somewhat likely 1549 39.2 3) Not very likely 1923 48.7 Missing 84 201) FEJOBAFF Some people say that because of past discrimination, women should be given preference in hiring and promotion. Others say that such preference in hiring and promotion of women is wrong because it discriminates against men. What about your opinion—are you for or against preferential hiring and promotion of women? IF FOR: Do you favor preference in hiring and promotion strongly or not strongly? IF AGAINST: Do you oppose the preference in hiring and promotion strongly or not strongly? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1323 2.796 1.13 1) Strongly favor 257 19.4 2) Not strongly favor 235 17.8 3) Not strongly oppose 352 26.6 4) Strongly oppose 479 36.2 Missing 2709 202) DISCAFFM What do you think the chances are these days that a man won't get a job or promotion while an equally or less qualified woman gets one instead. Is this very likely, somewhat likely, somewhat unlikely, or very unlikely these days? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1336 2.719 0.898 1) Very likely 119 8.9 2) Somewhat likely 422 31.6 3) Not very likely 511 38.2 4) Very unlikely 284 21.3 Missing 2696 203) FEHIRE Now I'm going to read several statements. As I read each one, please tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree. Because of past discrimination, employers should make special efforts to hire and promote qualified women. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2708 2.449 1.134 1) Strongly agree 622 23.0 2) Agree 898 33.2 3) Neither agree nor disagree 673 24.9 4) Disagree 381 14.1 5) Strongly disagree 134 4.9 Missing 1324 204) RELPERSN To what extent do you consider yourself a religious person? Are you... RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3954 2.72 1.038 1) Very religious 518 13.1 2) Moderately religious 1284 32.5 3) Slightly religious 939 23.7 4) Not religious at all 1213 30.7 Missing 78 205) SPRTPRSN To what extent do you consider yourself a spiritual person? Are you... RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3934 2.319 1.007 1) Very spiritual 961 24.4 2) Moderately spiritual 1362 34.6 3) Slightly spiritual 1006 25.6 4) Not spiritual at all 605 15.4 Missing 98 206) OTHLANG Can you speak a language other than English [Spanish]? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3937 1.709 0.454 1) Yes 1144 29.1 2) No 2793 70.9 Missing 95 207) OTHLANG1 What other language(s) do you speak? First response. (2016) RANGE: 1 to 176 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1064 11.837 22.84 Missing 2968 See Value Labels in SPSS for the 176 possible answer choices. Most common answers: 2) Spanish 46.6 1) English 9.8 4) French 8.9 12) German 6.8 8) Chinese 3.0 10) Italian 2.3 32) Japanese 1.9 19) Korean 1.8 6) Russian 1.5 33) Portuguese 1.5 46) Sign language 1.3 22) Arabic 1.1 208) SPKLANG How well do you speak that language? [IF SPEAKS 2 OR MORE, ASK ONLY OF THE MOST FLUENT LANGUAGE] READ CATEGORIES RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1066 1.957 0.931 1) Very well 441 41.4 2) Well 275 25.8 3) Not well 305 28.6 4) Poorly/hardly at all 45 4.2 Missing 2966 209) COMPUSE Do you personally ever use a computer at home, at work, or at some other location? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2651 1.092 0.29 1) Yes 2406 90.8 2) No 245 9.2 Missing 1381 210) EMAILHR About how many minutes or hours per week do you spend sending and answering electronic mail or email? RANGE: 0 to 124 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2322 6.918 10.038 211) WWWHR Not counting email, about how many minutes or hours per week do you use the web? (Include time you spend visiting regular websites and time spent using interactive internet services like social media, streaming services, chat rooms, online conferencing services, discussion boards or forums, and the like.) RANGE: 0 to 168 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2466 14.803 17.392 212) DISRSPCT (In your day-to-day life how often have any of the following things happened to you?) You are treated with less courtesy or respect than other people. RANGE: 1 to 6 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2601 4.178 1.409 1) Almost every day 136 5.2 2) At least once a week 231 8.9 3) A few times a month 327 12.6 4) A few times a year 801 30.8 5) Less than once a year 552 21.2 6) Never 554 21.3 Missing 1431 213) POORSERV (In your day-to-day life how often have any of the following things happened to you?) You receive poorer service than other people at restaurants or stores. RANGE: 1 to 6 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2592 4.831 1.116 1) Almost every day 24 0.9 2) At least once a week 82 3.2 3) A few times a month 155 6.0 4) A few times a year 672 25.9 5) Less than once a year 774 29.9 6) Never 885 34.1 Missing 1440 214) NOTSMART (In your day-to-day life how often have any of the following things happened to you?) People act as if they think you are not smart. RANGE: 1 to 6 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2602 4.611 1.35 1) Almost every day 101 3.9 2) At least once a week 129 5.0 3) A few times a month 202 7.8 4) A few times a year 684 26.3 5) Less than once a year 619 23.8 6) Never 867 33.3 Missing 1430 215) AFRAIDOF (In your day-to-day life how often have any of the following things happened to you?) People act as if they are afraid of you. RANGE: 1 to 6 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2604 5.267 1.14 1) Almost every day 39 1.5 2) At least once a week 56 2.2 3) A few times a month 120 4.6 4) A few times a year 352 13.5 5) Less than once a year 426 16.4 6) Never 1611 61.9 Missing 1428 216) THREATEN (In your day-to-day life how often have any of the following things happened to you?) You are threatened or harassed. RANGE: 1 to 6 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2604 5.267 0.997 1) Almost every day 20 0.8 2) At least once a week 44 1.7 3) A few times a month 84 3.2 4) A few times a year 322 12.4 5) Less than once a year 738 28.3 6) Never 1396 53.6 Missing 1428 217) QUALLIFE In general, would you say your quality of life is... RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3632 2.483 0.915 1) Excellent 477 13.1 2) Very good 1449 39.9 3) Good 1243 34.2 4) Fair 399 11.0 5) Poor 64 1.8 Missing 400 218) HLTHPHYS In general, how would you rate your physical health? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3630 2.674 1.038 1) Excellent 526 14.5 2) Very good 1012 27.9 3) Good 1361 37.5 4) Fair 582 16.0 5) Poor 149 4.1 Missing 402 219) HLTHMNTL In general, how would you rate your mental health, including your mood and your ability to think? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3637 2.519 1.016 1) Excellent 579 15.9 2) Very good 1313 36.1 3) Good 1147 31.5 4) Fair 476 13.1 5) Poor 122 3.4 Missing 395 220) SATSOC In general how would you rate your satisfaction with your social activities and relationships? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3622 2.782 1.034 1) Excellent 362 10.0 2) Very good 1125 31.1 3) Good 1283 35.4 4) Fair 645 17.8 5) Poor 207 5.7 Missing 410 221) ACTSSOC In general, please rate how well you carry out your usual social activities and roles. (This includes activities at home, at work and in your community, and responsibilities as a parent, child, spouse, employee, friend, etc.) RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3624 2.507 0.912 1) Excellent 431 11.9 2) Very good 1457 40.2 3) Good 1290 35.6 4) Fair 358 9.9 5) Poor 88 2.4 Missing 408 222) PHYSACTS To what extent are you able to carry out your everyday physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, carrying groceries, or moving a chair? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3623 1.689 0.995 1) Completely 2190 60.4 2) Mostly 667 18.4 3) Moderately 507 14.0 4) A little 219 6.0 5) Not at all 40 1.1 Missing 409 223) EMOPROBS In the past seven days, how often have you been bothered by emotional problems such as feeling anxious, depressed or irritable? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3614 2.491 1.092 1) Never 765 21.2 2) Rarely 1092 30.2 3) Sometimes 1126 31.2 4) Often 478 13.2 5) Always 153 4.2 Missing 418 224) FATIGUE In the past seven days, how would you rate your fatigue on average? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3615 2.314 0.916 1) None 684 18.9 2) Mild 1491 41.2 3) Moderate 1124 31.1 4) Severe 253 7.0 5) Very severe 63 1.7 Missing 417 225) WKRSLFFAM (Do/did) you work in your own family business or farm? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 429 1.55 0.498 0) Inapplicable 1) Yes 193 45.0 2) No 236 55.0 Missing 3603 226) NEXTGEN I'm going to read to you some statements like those you might find in a newspaper or magazine article. For each statement, please tell me if you strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree. Because of science and technology, there will be more opportunities for the next generation. RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1859 1.712 0.668 1) Strongly agree 734 39.5 2) Agree 951 51.2 3) Disagree 149 8.0 4) Strongly disagree 25 1.3 Missing 2173 227) TOOFAST I'm going to read to you some statements like those you might find in a newspaper or magazine article. For each statement, please tell me if you strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree. Science makes our way of life change too fast. RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1862 2.605 0.798 1) Strongly agree 163 8.8 2) Agree 617 33.1 3) Disagree 875 47.0 4) Strongly disagree 207 11.1 Missing 2170 228) ADVFRONT I'm going to read to you some statements like those you might find in a newspaper or magazine article. For each statement, please tell me if you strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree. Even if it brings no immediate benefits, scientific research that advances the frontiers of knowledge is necessary and should be supported by the federal government. RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1855 1.822 0.704 1) Strongly agree 615 33.2 2) Agree 994 53.6 3) Disagree 207 11.2 4) Strongly disagree 39 2.1 Missing 2177 229) SCIBNFTS Now for another type of question. People have frequently noted that scientific research has produced benefits and harmful results. Would you say that, on balance, the benefits of scientific research have outweighed the harmful results, or have the harmful results of scientific research been greater than its benefits? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1838 1.447 0.561 1) Benefits greater 1078 58.7 2) About equal (if volunteered) 698 38.0 3) Harmful results greater 62 3.4 Missing 2194 230) VIRUSES Now, I would like to ask you a few short questions like those you might see on a television game show. For each statement that I read, please tell me if it is true or false. If you don't know or aren't sure, just tell me so, and we will skip to the next question. Remember true, false or don't know. Antibiotics kill viruses as well as bacteria. RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1834 1.683 0.466 1) True 582 31.7 2) False 1252 68.3 Missing 2198 231) INTEDUC Are you very interested, moderately interested or not at all interested in local school issues? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1878 1.929 0.707 1) Very interested 541 28.8 2) Moderately interested 930 49.5 3) Not at all interested 407 21.7 Missing 2154 232) INTSCI Are you very interested, moderately interested or not at all interested in issues about new scientific discoveries? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1877 1.638 0.642 1) Very interested 849 45.2 2) Moderately interested 858 45.7 3) Not at all interested 170 9.1 Missing 2155 233) INTECON Are you very interested, moderately interested or not at all interested in economic issues and business conditions? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1867 1.653 0.634 1) Very interested 812 43.5 2) Moderately interested 891 47.7 3) Not at all interested 164 8.8 Missing 2165 234) INTTECH Are you very interested, moderately interested or not at all interested in issues about the use of new inventions and technologies? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1874 1.677 0.639 1) Very interested 782 41.7 2) Moderately interested 915 48.8 3) Not at all interested 177 9.4 Missing 2158 235) POSSLQ Which of these statements applies to you? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1970 2.324 1.385 1) I am married and living in the same household as my husband or wife 945 48.0 2) I am living as married and my partner and I together live in the same household 169 8.6 3) I have a husband or wife or steady partner, but we don't live in the same household 129 6.5 4) I don't have a steady partner 727 36.9 Missing 2062 236) POSSLQY Which of these statements applies to you? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2040 2.26 1.354 1) I am married and living in the same household as my husband or wife 990 48.5 2) I am living as married and my partner and I together live in the same household 213 10.4 3) I have a husband or wife or steady partner, but we don't live in the same household 153 7.5 4) I don't have a steady partner 684 33.5 Missing 1992 237) MARCOHAB Marriage and cohabitation status RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 4031 1.913 0.947 1) Married 1997 49.5 2) Not married, cohabitating partner 386 9.6 3) Not married, no cohabitating partner 1648 40.9 Missing 1 238) ENDSMEET Thinking of your household's total income, including all the sources of income of all the members who contribute to it, how difficult or easy is it currently for your household to make ends meet? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1763 3.264 1.147 1) Very difficult 129 7.3 2) Fairly difficult 321 18.2 3) Neither easy nor difficult 548 31.1 4) Fairly easy 485 27.5 5) Very easy 280 15.9 Missing 2269 239) OPWLTH (For each of these, please tell me how important you think it is for getting ahead in life...) How important is coming from a wealthy family? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1815 3.149 1.091 1) Essential 118 6.5 2) Very important 407 22.4 3) Fairly important 580 32.0 4) Not very important 506 27.9 5) Not important at all 204 11.2 Missing 2217 240) OPPARED (For each of these, please tell me how important you think it is for getting ahead in life...) How important is having well-educated parents? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1845 2.685 0.937 1) Essential 159 8.6 2) Very important 642 34.8 3) Fairly important 738 40.0 4) Not very important 233 12.6 5) Not important at all 73 4.0 Missing 2187 241) OPEDUC (For each of these, please tell me how important you think it is for getting ahead in life...) How important is having a good education yourself? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1853 1.883 0.781 1) Essential 623 33.6 2) Very important 875 47.2 3) Fairly important 313 16.9 4) Not very important 32 1.7 5) Not important at all 10 0.5 Missing 2179 242) OPHRDWRK (For each of these, please tell me how important you think it is for getting ahead in life...) How important is hard work? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1857 1.666 0.718 1) Essential 856 46.1 2) Very important 797 42.9 3) Fairly important 176 9.5 4) Not very important 24 1.3 5) Not important at all 4 0.2 Missing 2175 243) OPKNOW (For each of these, please tell me how important you think it is for getting ahead in life...) How important is knowing the right people? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1845 2.543 0.913 1) Essential 250 13.6 2) Very important 603 32.7 3) Fairly important 763 41.4 4) Not very important 199 10.8 5) Not important at all 30 1.6 Missing 2187 244) OPCLOUT (For each of these, please tell me how important you think it is for getting ahead in life...) How important is having political connections? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1793 3.524 1.021 1) Essential 76 4.2 2) Very important 203 11.3 3) Fairly important 499 27.8 4) Not very important 735 41.0 5) Not important at all 280 15.6 Missing 2239 245) OPRACE (For each of these, please tell me how important you think it is for getting ahead in life...) How important is a person's race? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1800 3.908 1.128 1) Essential 44 2.4 2) Very important 184 10.2 3) Fairly important 420 23.3 4) Not very important 398 22.1 5) Not important at all 754 41.9 Missing 2232 246) OPRELIG (For each of these, please tell me how important you think it is for getting ahead in life...) How important is a person's religion? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1806 4.185 0.996 1) Essential 42 2.3 2) Very important 97 5.4 3) Fairly important 217 12.0 4) Not very important 579 32.1 5) Not important at all 871 48.2 Missing 2226 247) OPSEX (For each of these, please tell me how important you think it is for getting ahead in life...) How important is being born a man or woman? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1793 3.83 1.173 1) Essential 69 3.8 2) Very important 198 11.0 3) Fairly important 403 22.5 4) Not very important 422 23.5 5) Not important at all 701 39.1 Missing 2239 248) OPBRIBES (For each of these, please tell me how important you think it is for getting ahead in life...) How important is giving bribes? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1718 4.588 0.82 1) Essential 20 1.2 2) Very important 51 3.0 3) Fairly important 96 5.6 4) Not very important 282 16.4 5) Not important at all 1269 73.9 Missing 2314 249) GOODLIFE The way things are in America, people like me and my family have a good chance of improving our standard of living—do you agree or disagree? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2664 2.741 1.073 1) Strongly agree 290 10.9 2) Agree 944 35.4 3) Neither agree nor disagree 750 28.2 4) Disagree 526 19.7 5) Strongly disagree 154 5.8 Missing 1368 250) PAYDOC About how much do you think a doctor in general practice earns? RANGE: 0 to 999996 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1828 228682.544 188107.26 251) PAYCLERK How much do you think a salesclerk earns? RANGE: 0 to 999996 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1823 38771.885 76630.982 252) PAYEXEC How much do you think a chairman of a large national corporation earns? RANGE: 0 to 999996 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1818 673620.721 371536.782 253) PAYUNSKL How much do you think an unskilled worker in a factory earns? RANGE: 0 to 999996 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1824 36354.363 66898.405 254) PAYCABNT How much do you think a cabinet minister in the federal government earns? RANGE: 0 to 999996 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1812 257485.826 232526.024 255) INCGAP To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Differences in income in America are too large. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1822 1.96 1.071 1) Strongly agree 793 43.5 2) Agree 545 29.9 3) Neither agree nor disagree 301 16.5 4) Disagree 130 7.1 5) Strongly disagree 53 2.9 Missing 2210 256) GOVEQINC It is the responsibility of the government to reduce the differences in income between people with high incomes and those with low incomes. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1806 3.122 1.257 1) Strongly agree 190 10.5 2) Agree 434 24.0 3) Neither agree nor disagree 471 26.1 4) Disagree 387 21.4 5) Strongly disagree 324 17.9 Missing 2226 257) GOVUNEMP The government should provide a decent standard of living for the unemployed. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1784 2.786 1.213 1) Strongly agree 288 16.1 2) Agree 508 28.5 3) Neither agree nor disagree 455 25.5 4) Disagree 363 20.3 5) Strongly disagree 170 9.5 Missing 2248 258) TAXRICH Generally, how would you describe taxes in America today for those with high incomes? Taxes are... RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1704 3.601 1.168 1) Much too high 98 5.8 2) Too high 240 14.1 3) About right 329 19.3 4) Too low 614 36.0 5) Much too low 423 24.8 Missing 2328 259) TAXSHARE Do you think people with high incomes should pay a larger share of their income in taxes than those with low incomes, the same share, or a smaller share? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1748 2.011 0.822 1) Much larger share 512 29.3 2) Large 760 43.5 3) The same share 432 24.7 4) Smaller 32 1.8 5) Much smaller share 12 0.7 Missing 2284 260) CONWLTH (In all countries, there are differences or even conflicts between different social groups. In your opinion, in America how much conflict is there between...) Poor people and rich people? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1675 2.216 0.726 1) Very strong conflicts 255 15.2 2) Strong conflicts 849 50.7 3) Not very strong conflicts 526 31.4 4) There are no conflicts 45 2.7 Missing 2357 261) CONCLASS (In all countries, there are differences or even conflicts between different social groups. In your opinion, in America how much conflict is there between...) The working class and the middle class? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1701 2.768 0.668 1) Very strong conflicts 69 4.1 2) Strong conflicts 416 24.5 3) Not very strong conflicts 1057 62.1 4) There are no conflicts 159 9.3 Missing 2331 262) CONUNION (In all countries, there are differences or even conflicts between different social groups. In your opinion, in America how much conflict is there between...) Management and workers? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1687 2.434 0.683 1) Very strong conflicts 140 8.3 2) Strong conflicts 721 42.7 3) Not very strong conflicts 780 46.2 4) There are no conflicts 46 2.7 Missing 2345 263) CONAGE (In all countries, there are differences or even conflicts between different social groups. In your opinion, in America how much conflict is there between...) Young people and older people? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1716 2.594 0.733 1) Very strong conflicts 138 8.0 2) Strong conflicts 537 31.3 3) Not very strong conflicts 925 53.9 4) There are no conflicts 116 6.8 Missing 2316 264) CONIMM (In all countries, there are differences or even conflicts between different social groups. In your opinion, in America how much conflict is there between...) People born in America and people from other countries who have come to live in America? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1700 2.236 0.721 1) Very strong conflicts 244 14.4 2) Strong conflicts 854 50.2 3) Not very strong conflicts 558 32.8 4) There are no conflicts 44 2.6 Missing 2332 265) LDCGAP (Turning to international differences, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?) Present economic differences between rich and poor countries are too large. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1700 2.311 0.953 1) Strongly agree 365 21.5 2) Agree 619 36.4 3) Neither agree nor disagree 587 34.5 4) Disagree 81 4.8 5) Strongly disagree 48 2.8 Missing 2332 266) LDCTAX (Turning to international differences, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?) People in wealthy countries should make an additional tax contribution to help people in poor countries. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1722 3.177 1.162 1) Strongly agree 150 8.7 2) Agree 335 19.5 3) Neither agree nor disagree 548 31.8 4) Disagree 438 25.4 5) Strongly disagree 251 14.6 Missing 2310 267) RICHHLTH Is it just or unjust—right or wrong—that people with higher incomes can buy better health care than people with lower incomes? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1771 3.655 1.231 1) Very just, definitely right 121 6.8 2) Somewhat just, right 191 10.8 3) Neither just nor unjust, mixed feelings 452 25.5 4) Somewhat unjust, wrong 421 23.8 5) Very unjust, definitely wrong 586 33.1 Missing 2261 268) RICHEDUC Is it just or unjust—right or wrong—that people with higher incomes can buy better education for their children than people with lower incomes? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1769 3.617 1.254 1) Very just, definitely right 119 6.7 2) Somewhat just, right 241 13.6 3) Neither just nor unjust, mixed feelings 422 23.9 4) Somewhat unjust, wrong 404 22.8 5) Very unjust, definitely wrong 583 33.0 Missing 2263 269) PAYRESP (In deciding how much people ought to earn, how important should each of these things be, in your opinion...) How much responsibility goes with the job—how important do you think that ought to be in deciding pay? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1767 1.989 0.733 1) Essential 436 24.7 2) Very important 950 53.8 3) Fairly important 357 20.2 4) Not very important 12 0.7 5) Not important at all 12 0.7 Missing 2265 270) PAYEDTRN (In deciding how much people ought to earn, how important should each of these things be, in your opinion...) The number of years spent in education and training? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1771 2.395 0.855 1) Essential 242 13.7 2) Very important 759 42.9 3) Fairly important 622 35.1 4) Not very important 125 7.1 5) Not important at all 23 1.3 Missing 2261 271) PAYCHILD (In deciding how much people ought to earn, how important should each of these things be, in your opinion...) Whether the person has children to support? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1729 3.577 1.161 1) Essential 91 5.3 2) Very important 242 14.0 3) Fairly important 413 23.9 4) Not very important 544 31.5 5) Not important at all 439 25.4 Missing 2303 272) PAYDOWEL (In deciding how much people ought to earn, how important should each of these things be, in your opinion...) How well he or she does the job? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1760 1.701 0.726 1) Essential 763 43.4 2) Very important 796 45.2 3) Fairly important 171 9.7 4) Not very important 24 1.4 5) Not important at all 6 0.3 Missing 2272 273) MARHOMO (Do you agree or disagree?) Homosexual couples should have the right to marry one another. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2658 2.149 1.371 1) Strongly agree 1265 47.6 2) Agree 500 18.8 3) Neither agree nor disagree 419 15.8 4) Disagree 179 6.7 5) Strongly disagree 295 11.1 Missing 1374 274) MEOVRWRK Family life often suffers because men concentrate too much on their work. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2714 2.806 0.985 1) Strongly agree 202 7.4 2) Agree 886 32.6 3) Neither agree nor disagree 1001 36.9 4) Disagree 487 17.9 5) Strongly disagree 138 5.1 Missing 1318 275) RELACTIV How often do you take part in the activities and organizations of a church or place of worship other than attending services? RANGE: 1 to 10 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3949 2.865 2.278 1) Never 1650 41.8 2) Less than once a year 614 15.5 3) About once or twice a year 488 12.4 4) Several times a year 449 11.4 5) About once a month 150 3.8 6) Two to three times a month 159 4.0 7) Nearly every week 137 3.5 8) Every week 241 6.1 9) Several times a week 26 0.7 10) Once a day 35 0.9 Missing 83 276) CANTRUST Generally speaking, would you say that people can be trusted or that you can't be too careful in dealing with people? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1815 2.724 0.867 1) People can almost always be trusted 71 3.9 2) People can usually be trusted 714 39.3 3) You usually can't be too careful in dealing with people 750 41.3 4) You almost always can't be too careful in dealing with people 205 11.3 Missing 2286 277) RELIGINF (Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.) The U.S. would be a better country if religion had less influence. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3559 3.095 1.25 1) Strongly agree 514 14.4 2) Agree 565 15.9 3) Neither agree nor disagree 1069 30.0 4) Disagree 890 25.0 5) Strongly disagree 521 14.6 Missing 473 278) PRIVENT (How much do you agree or disagree with each of these statements) Private enterprise is the best way to solve America's economic problems. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1754 2.845 1.065 1) Strongly agree 225 12.8 2) Agree 366 20.9 3) Neither agree nor disagree 730 41.6 4) Disagree 322 18.4 5) Strongly disagree 111 6.3 Missing 2278 279) POSTMAT1 Looking at the list on the hand card, please tell me the one thing you think should be America's highest priority, the most important thing it should do. RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1610 2.196 1.103 1) Maintain order in the nation 509 31.6 2) Give people more say in government decisions 618 38.4 3) Fight rising prices 141 8.8 4) Protect freedom of speech 342 21.2 Missing 2422 280) SCIGRN (How much do you agree or disagree with each of these statements)? Modern science will solve our environmental problems with little change to our way of life. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1772 3.53 0.978 1) Strongly agree 35 2.0 2) Agree 241 13.6 3) Neither agree nor disagree 525 29.6 4) Disagree 691 39.0 5) Strongly disagree 280 15.8 Missing 2260 281) GRNECON (How much do you agree or disagree with each of these statements)? We worry too much about the future of the environment and not enough about prices and jobs today. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1795 3.403 1.162 1) Strongly agree 114 6.4 2) Agree 310 17.3 3) Neither agree nor disagree 453 25.2 4) Disagree 574 32.0 5) Strongly disagree 344 19.2 Missing 2237 282) HARMSGRN (How much do you agree or disagree with each of these statements?) Almost everything we do in modern life harms the environment. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1798 2.804 0.993 1) Strongly agree 135 7.5 2) Agree 639 35.5 3) Neither agree nor disagree 520 28.9 4) Disagree 451 25.1 5) Strongly disagree 53 2.9 Missing 2234 283) GRNPROG (How much do you agree or disagree with each of these statements)? People worry too much about human progress harming the environment. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1772 3.42 1.071 1) Strongly agree 72 4.1 2) Agree 312 17.6 3) Neither agree nor disagree 459 25.9 4) Disagree 658 37.1 5) Strongly disagree 271 15.3 Missing 2260 284) GRWTHELP (And please tell me for each of these statements, how much you agree or disagree with it.) Economic growth always harms the environment. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1754 2.712 0.955 1) Strongly agree 143 8.2 2) Agree 637 36.3 3) Neither agree nor disagree 617 35.2 4) Disagree 297 16.9 5) Strongly disagree 60 3.4 Missing 2278 285) GRWTHARM (And please tell me for each of these statements, how much you agree or disagree with it.) In order to protect the environment America needs economic growth. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1771 3.501 0.835 1) Strongly agree 30 1.7 2) Agree 160 9.0 3) Neither agree nor disagree 619 35.0 4) Disagree 817 46.1 5) Strongly disagree 145 8.2 Missing 2261 286) GRNPRICE How willing would you be to pay much higher prices in order to protect the environment? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1778 2.918 1.142 1) Very willing 135 7.6 2) Fairly willing 625 35.2 3) Neither willing nor unwilling 476 26.8 4) Fairly unwilling 334 18.8 5) Very unwilling 208 11.7 Missing 2254 287) GRNTAXES And how willing would you be to pay much higher taxes in order to protect the environment? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1775 3.208 1.25 1) Very willing 129 7.3 2) Fairly willing 479 27.0 3) Neither willing nor unwilling 433 24.4 4) Fairly unwilling 361 20.3 5) Very unwilling 373 21.0 Missing 2257 288) GRNSOL And how willing would you be to accept cuts in your standard of living in order to protect the environment? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1778 3.15 1.196 1) Very willing 111 6.2 2) Fairly willing 505 28.4 3) Neither willing nor unwilling 487 27.4 4) Fairly unwilling 356 20.0 5) Very unwilling 319 17.9 Missing 2254 289) TOODIFME How much do you agree or disagree with each of these statements? It is just too difficult for someone like me to do much about the environment. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1783 3.392 0.999 1) Strongly agree 62 3.5 2) Agree 305 17.1 3) Neither agree nor disagree 474 26.6 4) Disagree 756 42.4 5) Strongly disagree 186 10.4 Missing 2249 290) IHLPGRN (How much do you agree or disagree with each of these statements?) I do what is right for the environment, even when it costs more money or takes more time. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1781 2.495 0.813 1) Strongly agree 123 6.9 2) Agree 868 48.7 3) Neither agree nor disagree 602 33.8 4) Disagree 161 9.0 5) Strongly disagree 27 1.5 Missing 2251 291) CARSGEN In general, do you think that air pollution caused by cars is... RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1778 2.534 0.869 1) Extremely dangerous for the environment 232 13.0 2) Very dangerous 559 31.4 3) Somewhat dangerous 814 45.8 4) Not very dangerous 151 8.5 5) Not dangerous at all for the environment 22 1.2 Missing 2254 292) RECYCLE How often do you make a special effort to sort glass or cans or plastic or newspapers and so on for recycling? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1700 1.769 1.065 1) Always 1006 59.2 2) Often 278 16.4 3) Sometimes 218 12.8 4) Never 198 11.6 Missing 2332 293) GRNGROUP Are you a member of any group whose main aim is to preserve or protect the environment? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1820 1.898 0.303 1) Yes 186 10.2 2) No 1634 89.8 Missing 2212 294) GRNSIGN In the last five years, have you signed a petition about an environmental issue? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1802 1.752 0.432 1) Yes, I have 447 24.8 2) No, I have not 1355 75.2 Missing 2230 295) GRNMONEY In the last five years, have you given money to an environmental group? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1814 1.764 0.425 1) Yes, I have 428 23.6 2) No, I have not 1386 76.4 Missing 2218 296) GRNDEMO In the last five years, have you taken part in a protest or demonstration about an environmental issue? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1817 1.951 0.216 1) Yes, I have 89 4.9 2) No, I have not 1728 95.1 Missing 2215 297) IMPGRN (How much do you agree or disagree with each of these statements?) There are more important things to do in life than protect the environment. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1788 3.45 1.004 1) Strongly agree 54 3.0 2) Agree 262 14.7 3) Neither agree nor disagree 553 30.9 4) Disagree 664 37.1 5) Strongly disagree 255 14.3 Missing 2244 298) OTHSSAME (How much do you agree or disagree with each of these statements?) There is no point in doing what I can for the environment unless others do the same. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1791 3.539 1.028 1) Strongly agree 67 3.7 2) Agree 257 14.3 3) Neither agree nor disagree 376 21.0 4) Disagree 826 46.1 5) Strongly disagree 265 14.8 Missing 2241 299) GRNEXAGG (How much do you agree or disagree with each of these statements?) Many of the claims about environmental threats are exaggerated. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1777 3.547 1.187 1) Strongly agree 106 6.0 2) Agree 282 15.9 3) Neither agree nor disagree 354 19.9 4) Disagree 604 34.0 5) Strongly disagree 431 24.3 Missing 2255 300) TOPPROB1 Which of these issues is the most important for America today? RANGE: 1 to 9 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1690 3.723 2.546 1) Health care 551 32.6 2) Education 216 12.8 3) Crime 53 3.1 4) The environment 224 13.3 5) Immigration 68 4.0 6) The economy 363 21.5 7) Terrorism 50 3.0 8) Poverty 99 5.9 9) None of these 66 3.9 Missing 2342 301) GRNCON Generally speaking, how concerned are you about environmental issues? Please tell me what you think, where one means you are not at all concerned and five means you are very concerned. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1823 3.889 1.156 1) Not at all concerned 81 4.4 2) 142 7.8 3) 419 23.0 4) 438 24.0 5) Very concerned 743 40.8 Missing 2209 302) ENPRBUS Here is a list of some different environmental problems. Which problem, if any, do you think is the most important for America as a whole? RANGE: 1 to 10 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1642 5.988 2.612 1) Air pollution 141 8.6 2) Chemicals and pesticides 140 8.5 3) Water shortage 76 4.6 4) Water pollution 131 8.0 5) Nuclear waste 40 2.4 6) Domestic waste disposal 87 5.3 7) Climate change 642 39.1 8) Genetically modified foods 115 7.0 9) Using up out natural resources 177 10.8 10) None of these 93 5.7 Missing 2390 303) GRNEFFME (How much do you agree or disagree with each of these statements?) Environmental problems have a direct effect on my everyday life. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1768 2.819 0.997 1) Strongly agree 132 7.5 2) Agree 607 34.3 3) Neither agree nor disagree 542 30.7 4) Disagree 423 23.9 5) Strongly disagree 64 3.6 Missing 2264 304) TEMPGEN1 In general, do you think that a rise in the world's temperature caused by climate change is... RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1734 2.251 1.072 1) Extremely dangerous for the environment 528 30.4 2) Very dangerous 501 28.9 3) Somewhat dangerous 493 28.4 4) Not very dangerous 166 9.6 5) Not dangerous at all for the environment 46 2.7 Missing 2298 305) BUSGRN Which of these approaches do you think would be the best way of getting business and industry in America to protect the environment? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1643 1.826 0.745 1) Heavy fines for businesses that damage the environment 623 37.9 2) Use the tax system to reward businesses that protect the environment 683 41.6 3) More information and education for businesses about the advantages of protecting the environment 337 20.5 Missing 2389 306) PEOPGRN Which of these approaches do you think would be the best way of getting people and their families in America to protect the environment? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1689 2.3 0.693 1) Heavy fines for people that damage the environment 228 13.5 2) Use the tax system to reward people that protect the environment 727 43.0 3) More information and education for people about the advantages of protecting the environment 734 43.5 Missing 2343 307) NOBUYGRN And how often do you avoid buying certain products for environmental reasons? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1821 2.761 0.873 1) Always 146 8.0 2) Often 525 28.8 3) Sometimes 769 42.2 4) Never 381 20.9 Missing 2211 308) IMPORTS America should limit the import of foreign products in order to protect its national economy. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1800 2.683 0.99 1) Strongly agree 195 10.8 2) Agree 617 34.3 3) Neither agree nor disagree 607 33.7 4) Disagree 326 18.1 5) Strongly disagree 55 3.1 Missing 2232 309) POWRORGS International organizations are taking away too much power from the American government. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1746 2.99 1.082 1) Strongly agree 174 10.0 2) Agree 377 21.6 3) Neither agree nor disagree 618 35.4 4) Disagree 446 25.5 5) Strongly disagree 131 7.5 Missing 2286 310) LETIN1A Do you think the number of immigrants to America nowadays should be RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2670 3.121 1.133 1) Increased a lot 227 8.5 2) Increased a little 476 17.8 3) Remain the same as it is 1128 42.2 4) Reduced a little 426 16.0 5) Reduced a lot 413 15.5 Missing 1362 311) PARTNERS How many sex partners have you had in the last 12 months? RANGE: 0 to 9 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2313 0.966 1.038 0) No partners 599 25.9 1) One partner 1504 65.0 2) Two partners 83 3.6 3) Three partners 44 1.9 4) Four partners 27 1.2 5) Five to 10 partners 40 1.7 6) 11-20 partners 4 0.2 7) 21-100 partners 2 0.1 8) More than 100 partners 4 0.2 9) One or more partners (unspecified) 6 0.3 Missing 1719 312) MATESEX Was one of the partners your husband or wife or regular sexual partner? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1697 1.077 0.266 1) Yes 1567 92.3 2) No 130 7.7 Missing 2335 313) SEXSEX Have your sex partners in the last 12 months been... RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1689 1.944 0.994 1) Exclusively male 884 52.3 2) Both male and female 16 0.9 3) Exclusively female 789 46.7 Missing 2343 314) SEXFREQ About how often did you have sex during the last 12 months? RANGE: 0 to 6 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2157 2.254 1.914 0) Not at all 633 29.3 1) Once or twice 251 11.6 2) Once a month 283 13.1 3) Two or three times a month 351 16.3 4) About once a week 287 13.3 5) Two or three times a week 268 12.4 6) More than three times a week 84 3.9 Missing 1875 315) NUMWOMEN Now thinking about the time since your 18th birthday (including the past 12 months), how many female partners have you had sex with? RANGE: 0 to 996 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2207 14.745 92.634 Missing 1825 316) NUMMEN Now thinking about the time since your 18th birthday (including the past 12 months), how many male partners have you had sex with? RANGE: 0 to 997 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2190 13.307 90.957 Missing 1842 317) PARTNRS5 Now thinking about the past five years - the time since February/March 2015, and including the past 12 months, how many sex partners have you had in that five-year period? RANGE: 0 to 9 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2314 1.723 2.025 0) No partners 336 14.5 1) One partner 1416 61.2 2) Two partners 151 6.5 3) Three partners 83 3.6 4) Four partners 64 2.8 5) Five to 10 partners 109 4.7 6) 11-20 partners 40 1.7 7) 21-100 partners 25 1.1 8) More than 100 partners 7 0.3 9) One or more partners (unspecified) 83 3.6 Missing 1718 318) SEXSEX5 (Now thinking about the past five years—the time since February/March 2015, and including the past 12 months), have your sex partners in the last five years been... RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1925 1.925 0.983 1) Exclusively male 1007 52.3 2) Both male and female 55 2.9 3) Exclusively female 863 44.8 Missing 2107 319) EVPAIDSX Thinking about the time since your 18th birthday, have you ever had sex with a person you paid or who paid you for sex? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2275 1.937 0.243 1) Yes 143 6.3 2) No 2132 93.7 Missing 1757 320) EVSTRAY Have you ever had sex with someone other than your husband or wife while you were married? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2677 2.252 0.641 1) Yes 297 11.1 2) No 1408 52.6 3) Never married 972 36.3 Missing 1355 321) CONDOM The last time you had sex, was a condom used? By 'sex' we mean vaginal, oral, or anal sex. RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2157 1.835 0.371 1) Used last time 356 16.5 2) Not used 1801 83.5 Missing 1875 322) RELATSEX The last time you had sex, was it with someone you were in an ongoing relationship with, or was it with someone else? Remember that by 'sex' we mean only vaginal, oral, or anal sex. RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2186 1.088 0.284 1) Yes, the last time I had sex, it was with someone I was in an ongoing relationship with 1993 91.2 2) No, the last time I had sex, it was not with someone I was in an ongoing relationship with 193 8.8 Missing 1846 323) EVIDU Have you ever, even once, taken any drugs by injection with a needle (like heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, or steroids)? DO NOT include anything you took under a doctor's orders. RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2259 1.973 0.162 1) Yes 61 2.7 2) No 2198 97.3 Missing 1773 324) EVCRACK Have you ever, even once, used 'crack' cocaine in chunk or rock form? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2277 1.952 0.214 1) Yes 110 4.8 2) No 2167 95.2 Missing 1755 325) HIVTEST Have you ever been tested for HIV? Do not count tests you may have had as part of a blood donation. Include oral test (where they take a swab from your mouth). RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2216 1.667 0.471 1) Yes 737 33.3 2) No 1479 66.7 Missing 1816 326) SEXORNT Which of the following best describes you? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2260 2.89 0.406 1) Gay, lesbian, or homosexual 76 3.4 2) Bisexual 96 4.2 3) Heterosexual or straight 2088 92.4 Missing 1772 327) REALINC Family income in 1972-2006 surveys in constant dollars (base=1986) RANGE: 218 to 144835.4286 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3509 40053.127 40147.485 Missing 523 328) CONINC Inflation-adjusted family income RANGE: 336 to 168736.29696 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3509 55955.939 47370.022 Missing 523 329) COHORT Birth cohort of respondent RANGE: 1932 to 9999 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 4032 2632.041 2210.722 330) VETYEARS Have you ever been on active duty for military training or service for two consecutive months or more? IF YES: What was your total time on active duty? RANGE: 0 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3934 0.24 0.714 0) No active duty 3491 88.7 1) Yes, less than two years 87 2.2 2) Yes, two to four years 212 5.4 3) Yes, more than four years 144 3.7 Missing 98 331) DWELOWN16 When you were 16 years old, did your family own your own home, pay rent, or something else? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2636 1.252 0.463 1) Owned or was buying 2007 76.1 2) Paid rent 595 22.6 3) Other 34 1.3 Missing 1396 332) DWELOWN (Do you/Does your family) own your (home/apartment), pay rent, or what? RANGE: 1 to 3 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2645 1.324 0.494 1) Own or is buying 1821 68.8 2) Pays rent 791 29.9 3) Other 33 1.2 Missing 1387 333) SEI10 Respondent's socioeconomic index (2010) RANGE: 10.6 to 93.7 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3873 52.409 23.173 334) HISPANIC Are you Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino/Latina? IF YES: Which group are you from? RANGE: 1 to 50 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3998 1.873 4.628 1) Not Hispanic 3544 88.6 2) Mexican, Mexican America, Chicano/a 245 6.1 3) Puerto Rican 51 1.3 4) Cuban 21 0.5 5) Salvadorian 9 0.2 6) Guatemalan 2 0.1 7) Panamanian 4 0.1 8) Nicaraguan 2 0.1 9) Costa Rican 4 0.1 10) Central American 5 0.1 11) Honduran 3 0.1 15) Dominican 17 0.4 20) Peruvian 4 0.1 21) Ecuadorian 8 0.2 22) Colombian 10 0.3 23) Venezuelan 5 0.1 24) Argentinian 1 0.0 25) Chilean 1 0.0 30) Spanish 46 1.2 35) Filipino/a 1 0.0 41) South American 3 0.1 46) Latino/a 2 0.1 47) Hispanic 7 0.2 50) Other, not specified 3 0.1 Missing 34 335) RACECEN1 (What is your race? Indicate one or more races that you consider yourself to be.) First mention RANGE: 1 to 15 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 21 3.524 3.816 1) White 3110 77.1% 78.2% 2) Black or African American 2 463 11.5% 11.6% 3) American Indian or Alaska Native 44 1.1% 1.1% 4) Asian Indian 45 1.1% 1.1% 5) Chinese 39 1.0% 1.0% 6) Filipino 15 0.4% 0.4% 7) Japanese 13 0.3% 0.3% 8) Korean 23 0.6% 0.6% 9) Vietnamese 5 0.1% 0.1% 10) Other Asian 20 0.5% 0.5% 11) Native Hawaiian 2 0.0% 0.1% 12) Guamanian or Chamorro 2 0.0% 0.1% 13) Samoan 2 0.0% 0.1% 14) Other Pacific Islander 3 0.1% 0.1% 15) Some other race 56 1.4% 1.4% 16) Hispanic 136 3.4% 3.4% Missing 54 336) ZODIAC Astrological sign of respondent RANGE: 1 to 12 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3676 6.816 3.337 1) Aries 237 6.4 2) Taurus 281 7.6 3) Gemini 253 6.9 4) Cancer 270 7.3 5) Leo 305 8.3 6) Virgo 327 8.9 7) Libra 319 8.7 8) Scorpio 346 9.4 9) Sagittarius 339 9.2 10) Capricorn 390 10.6 11) Aquarius 330 9.0 12) Pisces 279 7.6 Missing 356 337) WRKGOVT1 (Are/Were) you employed by the government? (Please consider federal, state, or local government.) RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3916 1.778 0.416 1) Yes 869 22.2 2) No 3047 77.8 Missing 116 338) WRKGOVT2 (Are/Were) you employed by a private employer (including non-profit organizations)? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3919 1.408 0.491 1) Yes 2322 59.2 2) No 1597 40.8 Missing 113 339) IMMLIMIT America should limit immigration in order to protect our national way of life. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1813 3.069 1.2 1) Strongly agree 194 10.7 2) Agree 433 23.9 3) Neither agree nor disagree 471 26.0 4) Disagree 484 26.7 5) Strongly disagree 231 12.7 Missing 2219 340) TRRESRCH (On a scale of 0 to 10, how much do you personally trust each of the following institutions? 0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you trust it completely.) University research centers RANGE: 0 to 10 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1788 6.247 2.383 0) No trust 58 3.2 1) 22 1.2 2) 64 3.6 3) 83 4.6 4) 93 5.2 5) 389 21.8 6) 151 8.4 7) 280 15.7 8) 343 19.2 9) 207 11.6 10) Complete trust 98 5.5 Missing 2244 341) TRMEDIA (On a scale of 0 to 10, how much do you personally trust each of the following institutions? 0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you trust it completely.) The news media RANGE: 0 to 10 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1820 3.61 2.732 0) No trust 372 20.4 1) 149 8.2 2) 199 10.9 3) 179 9.8 4) 150 8.2 5) 291 16.0 6) 153 8.4 7) 172 9.5 8) 105 5.8 9) 31 1.7 10) Complete trust 19 1.0 Missing 2212 342) TRBUSIND (On a scale of 0 to 10, how much do you personally trust each of the following institutions? 0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you trust it completely.) Business and industry RANGE: 0 to 10 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1805 4.672 1.975 0) No trust 67 3.7 1) 45 2.5 2) 134 7.4 3) 218 12.1 4) 249 13.8 5) 571 31.6 6) 210 11.6 7) 193 10.7 8) 80 4.4 9) 16 0.9 10) Complete trust 22 1.2 Missing 2227 343) TRLEGIS (On a scale of 0 to 10, how much do you personally trust each of the following institutions? 0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you trust it completely.) The U.S. Congress RANGE: 0 to 10 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1818 3.236 2.418 0) No trust 339 18.6 1) 195 10.7 2 197 10.8 3) 255 14.0 4) 222 12.2 5) 332 18.3 6) 108 5.9 7) 88 4.8 8) 46 2.5 9) 11 0.6 10) Complete trust 25 1.4 Missing 2214 344) CLMTCAUS There has been a lot of discussion about the world's climate and the idea it has been changing in recent decades. Which of the following statements comes closest to your opinion? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1770 3.308 0.777 1) The world's climate has not been changing 35 2.0 2) The world's climate has been changing mostly due to natural processes 240 13.6 3) The world's climate has been changing about equally due to natural processes and human activity 639 36.1 4) The world's climate has been changing mostly due to human activity 856 48.4 Missing 2262 345) CLMTWRLD On a scale from 0 to 10, how bad or good do you think the impacts of climate change will be for the world as a whole? 0 means extremely bad, 10 means extremely good. RANGE: 0 to 10 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1737 2.876 2.359 0) Extremely bad 428 24.6 1) 137 7.9 2) 243 14.0 3) 239 13.8 4) 184 10.6 5) 346 19.9 6) 56 3.2 7) 44 2.5 8) 20 1.2 9) 15 0.9 10) Extremely good 25 1.4 Missing 2295 346) CLMTUSA On a scale from 0 to 10, how bad or good do you think the impacts of climate change will be for America? 0 means extremely bad, 10 means extremely good. RANGE: 0 to 10 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1722 3.029 2.327 0) Extremely bad 372 21.6 1) 124 7.2 2) 242 14.1 3) 263 15.3 4) 198 11.5 5) 349 20.3 6) 60 3.5 7) 52 3.0 8) 19 1.1 9) 24 1.4 10) Extremely good 19 1.1 Missing 2310 347) NATURDEV How willing would you be to accept a reduction in the size of America's protected nature areas, in order to open them up for economic development? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1771 4.036 1.051 1) Very willing 28 1.6 2) Fairly willing 159 9.0 3) Neither willing nor unwilling 303 17.1 4) Fairly unwilling 513 29.0 5) Very unwilling 768 43.4 Missing 2261 348) INDUSGEN1 In general, do you think that air pollution caused by industry is... RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1779 2.142 0.863 1) Extremely dangerous for the environment 461 25.9 2) Very dangerous 688 38.7 3) Somewhat dangerous 557 31.3 4) Not very dangerous 63 3.5 5) Not dangerous at all for the environment 10 0.6 Missing 2253 349) CHEMGEN1 And do you think that pesticides and chemicals used in farming are... RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1773 2.27 0.906 1) Extremely dangerous for the environment 419 23.6 2) Very dangerous 578 32.6 3) Somewhat dangerous 667 37.6 4) Not very dangerous 97 5.5 5) Not dangerous at all for the environment 12 0.7 Missing 2259 350) WATERGEN1 And do you think that pollution of America's rivers, lakes and streams is... RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1780 1.982 0.849 1) Extremely dangerous for the environment 591 33.2 2) Very dangerous 691 38.8 3) Somewhat dangerous 442 24.8 4) Not very dangerous 51 2.9 5) Not dangerous at all for the environment 5 0.3 Missing 2252 351) GENEGEN1 And do you think that modifying the genes of certain crops is... RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1655 2.857 1.05 1) Extremely dangerous for the environment 198 12.0 2) Very dangerous 367 22.2 3) Somewhat dangerous 649 39.2 4) Not very dangerous 355 21.5 5) Not dangerous at all for the environment 86 5.2 Missing 2377 352) NUKEGEN1 And do you think that nuclear power stations are... RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1743 2.714 1.114 1) Extremely dangerous for the environment 309 17.7 2) Very dangerous 386 22.1 3) Somewhat dangerous 631 36.2 4) Not very dangerous 328 18.8 5) Not dangerous at all for the environment 89 5.1 Missing 2289 353) ENJOYNAT How much, if at all, do you enjoy being outside in nature? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1792 4.07 0.876 1) Not at all 11 0.6 2) To a small extent 61 3.4 3) To some extent 380 21.2 4) To a great extent 679 37.9 5) To a very great extent 661 36.9 Missing 2240 354) ACTIVNAT In the last 12 months how often, if at all, have you engaged in any leisure activities outside in nature, such as hiking, bird watching, swimming, skiing, other outdoor activities, or just relaxing? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1774 2.628 1.137 1) Daily 328 18.5 2) Several times a week 530 29.9 3) Several times a month 475 26.8 4) Several times a year 356 20.1 5) Never 85 4.8 Missing 2258 355) PLANETRP In the last 12 months, how many trips did you make by plane? Count outward and return journeys, including transfers, as one trip. RANGE: 0 to 200 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1806 1.118 7.11 Missing 2226 356) CARHR In a typical week, about how many hours do you spend in a car or another motor vehicle, including motorcycles, trucks, and vans, but not counting public transport? Do not include shared rides in buses, collective taxis, or carpooling services. RANGE: 0 to 90 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1800 6.313 8.605 Missing 2232 357) EATMEAT In a typical week, on how many days do you eat beef, lamb, or products that contain them? RANGE: 0 to 7 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1795 2.77 1.959 Missing 2237 358) NUMROOMS How many rooms are there in your home (apartment or house)? Do not count any separate kitchens, bathrooms, garages, balconies, hallways or cupboards. RANGE: 0 to 20 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1812 5.343 2.795 Missing 2220 359) AIRPOLLU (Thinking about your neighborhood, to what extent, if at all, was it affected by the following things over the last 12 months?) Air pollution RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1717 2.015 1.034 1) Not at all 661 38.5 2) To a small extent 563 32.8 3) To some extent 348 20.3 4) To a great extent 96 5.6 5) To a very great extent 49 2.9 Missing 2315 360) WTRPOLLU (Thinking about your neighborhood, to what extent, if at all, was it affected by the following things over the last 12 months?) Water pollution RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1699 1.809 0.982 1) Not at all 854 50.3 2) To a small extent 449 26.4 3) To some extent 285 16.8 4) To a great extent 88 5.2 5) To a very great extent 23 1.4 Missing 2333 361) EXWEATHR (Thinking about your neighborhood, to what extent, if at all, was it affected by the following things over the last 12 months?) Extreme weather events (such as severe storms, droughts, floods, heat waves, cold snaps, etc.) RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1756 2.574 1.079 1) Not at all 301 17.1 2) To a small extent 554 31.5 3) To some extent 591 33.7 4) To a great extent 212 12.1 5) To a very great extent 98 5.6 Missing 2276 362) MKT1 It is the responsibility of private companies to reduce the differences in pay between their employees with high pay and those with low pay. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1790 2.402 1.086 1) Strongly agree 384 21.5 2) Agree 680 38.0 3) Neither agree nor disagree 425 23.7 4) Disagree 224 12.5 5) Strongly disagree 77 4.3 Missing 2242 363) RESPINEQ From the following list, who do you think should have the greatest responsibility for reducing differences in income between people with high incomes and people with low incomes? RANGE: 1 to 6 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1535 2.542 1.701 1) Private companies 515 33.6 2) Government 539 35.1 3) Trade unions 87 5.7 4) High-income individuals themselves 97 6.3 5) Low-income individuals themselves 122 7.9 6) Income differences do not need to be reduced 175 11.4 Missing 2497 364) GOVINEQ1 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Most politicians in America do not care about reducing the differences in income between people with high incomes and people with low incomes. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1749 2.011 0.942 1) Strongly agree 593 33.9 2) Agree 692 39.6 3) Neither agree nor disagree 338 19.3 4) Disagree 103 5.9 5) Strongly disagree 23 1.3 Missing 2283 365) INEQMAD Some people feel angry about differences in wealth between the rich and the poor, while others do not. How do you feel when you think about differences in wealth between the rich and the poor in America? Please place yourself on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means not angry at all and 10 means extremely angry. RANGE: 0 to 10 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1778 4.764 2.986 0) Not angry at all 266 15.0 1) 76 4.3 2) 109 6.1 3) 124 7.0 4) 125 7.0 5) 356 20.0 6) 168 9.4 7) 229 12.9 8) 143 8.0 9) 50 2.8 10) Extremely angry 132 7.4 Missing 2254 366) MIGRPOOR (Turning to international differences, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?) People from poor countries should be allowed to work in wealthy countries. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1742 2.376 0.944 1) Strongly agree 280 16.1 2) Agree 770 44.2 3) Neither agree nor disagree 498 28.6 4) Disagree 145 8.3 5) Strongly disagree 49 2.8 Missing 2290 367) CONTPOOR How often do you have any contact with people who are a lot poorer than you when you are out and about? This might be in the street, on public transport, in shops, in your neighborhood, or at your workplace. RANGE: 1 to 7 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1704 4.623 1.87 1) Never 80 4.7 2) Less than once a month 240 14.1 3) Once a month 151 8.9 4) Several times a month 378 22.2 5) Once a week 128 7.5 6) Several times a week 377 22.1 7) Every day 350 20.5 Missing 2328 368) CONTRICH How often do you have any contact with people who are a lot richer than you when you are out and about? This might be in the street, on public transport, in shops, in your neighborhood, or at your workplace. RANGE: 1 to 7 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1706 3.978 1.901 1) Never 158 9.3 2) Less than once a month 349 20.5 3) Once a month 188 11.0 4) Several times a month 399 23.4 5) Once a week 110 6.4 6) Several times a week 294 17.2 7) Every day 208 12.2 Missing 2326 369) CLASS1 Most people see themselves as belonging to a particular class. Please tell me which social class you would say you belong to? RANGE: 1 to 6 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1806 3.295 1.165 1) Lower class 95 5.3 2) Working class 461 25.5 3) Lower middle class 336 18.6 4) Middle class 666 36.9 5) Upper middle class 226 12.5 6) Upper class 22 1.2 Missing 2226 370) RANK1 In our society there are groups which tend to be toward the top and groups which tend to be toward the bottom. On the handcard is a scale that runs from top to bottom. Where would you put yourself now on this scale? RANGE: 1 to 10 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1812 5.047 1.684 1) Top 34 1.9 2) 44 2.4 3) 228 12.6 4) 267 14.7 5) 730 40.3 6) 197 10.9 7) 165 9.1 8) 78 4.3 9) 29 1.6 10) Bottom 40 2.2 Missing 2220 371) RANK16 (In our society there are groups which tend to be toward the top and groups which tend to be toward the bottom. On the handcard is a scale that runs from top to bottom.) If you think about the family that you grew up in, where did they fit in then? RANGE: 1 to 10 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1808 5.482 1.866 1) Top 34 1.9 2) 44 2.4 3) 160 8.8 4) 226 12.5 5) 599 33.1 6) 243 13.4 7) 237 13.1 8) 146 8.1 9) 64 3.5 10) Bottom 55 3.0 Missing 2224 372) RANK10FUT (In our society there are groups which tend to be toward the top and groups which tend to be toward the bottom. On the handcard is a scale that runs from top to bottom.) And thinking ahead 10 years from now, where do you think you will be on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is the top and 10 the bottom? RANGE: 1 to 10 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1793 4.732 1.917 1) Top 77 4.3 2) 106 5.9 3) 282 15.7 4) 317 17.7 5) 554 30.9 6) 170 9.5 7) 129 7.2 8) 82 4.6 9) 27 1.5 10) Bottom 49 2.7 Missing 2239 373) FAIRDIST How fair or unfair do you think the income distribution is in America? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1652 2.887 0.797 1) Very fair 74 4.5 2) Fair 406 24.6 3) Unfair 805 48.7 4) Very unfair 367 22.2 Missing 2380 374) ENDSME12 And during the next 12 months, how difficult or easy do you think it will be for your household to make ends meet? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1752 3.244 1.162 1) Very difficult 132 7.5 2) Fairly difficult 349 19.9 3) Neither easy nor difficult 507 28.9 4) Fairly easy 488 27.9 5) Very easy 276 15.8 Missing 2280 375) SKIPMEAL How often do you or other members of your household skip a meal because there is not enough money for food? RANGE: 1 to 7 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1767 1.421 1.119 1) Never 1471 83.2 2) Less than once a month 107 6.1 3) Once a month 46 2.6 4) Several times a month 82 4.6 5) Once a week 18 1.0 6) Several times a week 31 1.8 7) Every day 12 0.7 Missing 2265 376) RATEPAIN1 On a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 meaning no pain and 10 being the worst imaginable pain, how would you rate your pain on average? RANGE: 0 to 10 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3613 2.7 2.481 0) No pain 828 22.9 1) 620 17.2 2) 600 16.6 3) 430 11.9 4) 258 7.1 5) 302 8.4 6) 211 5.8 7) 173 4.8 8) 114 3.2 9) 56 1.5 10) The worst imaginable pain 21 0.6 Missing 419 377) RELIGIMP How important is religion in your life—very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not at all important? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3609 2.369 1.163 1) Very important 1124 31.1 2) Somewhat important 923 25.6 3) Not too important 668 18.5 4) Not at all important 894 24.8 Missing 423 378) RELIDIMP When thinking about religion, how important is being (a Christian/a Catholic/a Jew/a Buddhist/a Hindu/a Muslim/an atheist/an agnostic/someone who does not identify with a religion/ a member of your religion) to you? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3511 2.797 1.416 1) Extremely important 855 24.4 2) Very important 776 22.1 3) Somewhat important 711 20.3 4) Not too important 563 16.0 5) Not at all important 606 17.3 Missing 521 379) RELIDESC How well does the term (Christian/Catholic/Jew/Buddhist/Hindu/Muslim/atheist/agnostic/non-religious/N/A) describe you? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3450 2.497 1.086 1) Extremely well 689 20.0 2) Very well 1085 31.4 3) Somewhat well 1130 32.8 4) Not very well 363 10.5 5) Not well at all 183 5.3 Missing 582 380) RELIDWE When talking about (Christians/Catholics/Jews/Buddhists/Hindus/Muslims/atheists/agnostics/people who do not identify with a religion/your religion), how often do you say 'we' instead of 'they'? RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3432 2.859 1.352 1) Never 785 22.9 2) Rarely 586 17.1 3) Some of the time 857 25.0 4) Most of the time 735 21.4 5) All of the time 469 13.7 Missing 600 381) RELIDINS If someone criticized (Christians/Catholics/Jews/Buddhists/Hindus/Muslims/Atheists/Agnostics/people who do not identify with a religion/your religion), to what extent would it feel like a personal insult? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3496 2.682 1.024 1) A great deal 483 13.8 2) Somewhat 1115 31.9 3) Very little 927 26.5 4) Not at all 971 27.8 Missing 536 382) SPRTCONNCT (Some people say they have experiences of being personally moved, touched, or inspired, while others say they do not have these experiences at all. How often, if at all, do you experience each of the following?) Felt particularly connected to the world around you. RANGE: 1 to 7 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3523 3.811 1.859 1) At least once a day 324 9.2 2) Almost every day 828 23.5 3) Once or twice a week 514 14.6 4) Once or twice a month 503 14.3 5) A few times per year 654 18.6 6) Once a year or less 279 7.9 7) Never 421 12.0 Missing 509 383) SPRTLRGR (Some people say they have experiences of being personally moved, touched, or inspired, while others say they do not have these experiences at all. How often, if at all, do you experience each of the following?) Felt like you were part of something much larger than yourself. RANGE: 1 to 7 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3544 4.095 1.951 1) At least once a day 334 9.4 2) Almost every day 693 19.6 3) Once or twice a week 442 12.5 4) Once or twice a month 421 11.9 5) A few times per year 693 19.6 6) Once a year or less 409 11.5 7) Never 552 15.6 Missing 488 384) SPRTPURP (Some people say they have experiences of being personally moved, touched, or inspired, while others say they do not have these experiences at all. How often, if at all, do you experience each of the following?) Felt a sense of a larger meaning or purpose in life. RANGE: 1 to 7 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3537 3.996 1.949 1) At least once a day 371 10.5 2) Almost every day 708 20.0 3) Once or twice a week 460 13.0 4) Once or twice a month 428 12.1 5) A few times per year 672 19.0 6) Once a year or less 390 11.0 7) Never 508 14.4 Missing 495 385) MDITATE1 How often do you meditate? RANGE: 1 to 7 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3574 4.803 2.185 1) At least once a day 336 9.4 2) Almost every day 402 11.2 3) Once or twice a week 461 12.9 4) Once or twice a month 343 9.6 5) A few times per year 374 10.5 6) Once a year or less 204 5.7 7) Never 1454 40.7 Missing 458 386) GRTWRKS (Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.) The great works of philosophy and science are the best source of truth, wisdom, and ethics. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3547 2.796 0.942 1) Strongly agree 297 8.4 2) Agree 959 27.0 3) Neither agree nor disagree 1624 45.8 4) Disagree 506 14.3 5) Strongly disagree 161 4.5 Missing 485 387) FREEMIND (Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.) To understand the world, we must free our minds from old traditions and beliefs. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3556 2.893 1.05 1) Strongly agree 345 9.7 2) Agree 902 25.4 3) Neither agree nor disagree 1334 37.5 4) Disagree 740 20.8 5) Strongly disagree 235 6.6 Missing 476 388) DECEVIDC (Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.) When I make important decisions in my life, I rely mostly on reason and evidence. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3564 2.078 0.847 1) Strongly agree 833 23.4 2) Agree 1888 53.0 3) Neither agree nor disagree 626 17.6 4) Disagree 167 4.7 5) Strongly disagree 50 1.4 Missing 468 389) ADVFMSCI (Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.) All of the greatest advances for humanity have come from science and technology. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3558 2.734 0.997 1) Strongly agree 366 10.3 2) Agree 1135 31.9 3) Neither agree nor disagree 1271 35.7 4) Disagree 652 18.3 5) Strongly disagree 134 3.8 Missing 474 390) GODUSA (Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.) The success of the United States is part of God's plan. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3553 3.285 1.264 1) Strongly agree 326 9.2 2) Agree 607 17.1 3) Neither agree nor disagree 1238 34.8 4) Disagree 493 13.9 5) Strongly disagree 889 25.0 Missing 479 391) GOVCHRST (Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.) The federal government should advocate Christian values. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 3559 3.367 1.246 1) Strongly agree 287 8.1 2) Agree 598 16.8 3) Neither agree nor disagree 1087 30.5 4) Disagree 696 19.6 5) Strongly disagree 891 25.0 Missing 473 392) TRDUNIO1 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Workers need strong trade unions to protect their interests. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1697 2.666 1.109 1) Strongly agree 246 14.5 2) Agree 555 32.7 3) Neither agree nor disagree 542 31.9 4) Disagree 227 13.4 5) Strongly disagree 127 7.5 Missing 2335 393) BOARDREP (To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?) Workers should be represented on the board of directors at major companies. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1701 2.098 0.888 1) Strongly agree 427 25.1 2) Agree 820 48.2 3) Neither agree nor disagree 342 20.1 4) Disagree 84 4.9 5) Strongly disagree 28 1.6 Missing 2331 394) UPWAGES (To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?) The government should ensure that the wages of low-paying jobs increase as the economy grows. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1714 2.127 1.075 1) Strongly agree 537 31.3 2) Agree 708 41.3 3) Neither agree nor disagree 254 14.8 4) Disagree 144 8.4 5) Strongly disagree 71 4.1 Missing 2318 395) LIMITPAY (To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?) The government should take steps to limit the pay of executives at major companies. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1697 2.864 1.215 1) Strongly agree 259 15.3 2) Agree 432 25.5 3) Neither agree nor disagree 459 27.0 4) Disagree 374 22.0 5) Strongly disagree 173 10.2 Missing 2335 396) PRFTIMPV (To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?) Allowing business to make good profits is the best way to improve everyone's standard of living. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1690 2.649 1.007 1) Strongly agree 184 10.9 2) Agree 627 37.1 3) Neither agree nor disagree 555 32.8 4) Disagree 246 14.6 5) Strongly disagree 78 4.6 Missing 2342 397) GOVFNANC (To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?) The government should finance projects to create new jobs, even if it might require a tax increase to pay for it. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1698 2.756 1.057 1) Strongly agree 180 10.6 2) Agree 566 33.3 3) Neither agree nor disagree 540 31.8 4) Disagree 312 18.4 5) Strongly disagree 100 5.9 Missing 2334 398) DCLINDUS (To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?) The government should support declining industries to protect jobs, even if it might require a tax increase to pay for it. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1677 3.291 0.991 1) Strongly agree 54 3.2 2) Agree 311 18.5 3) Neither agree nor disagree 582 34.7 4) Disagree 553 33.0 5) Strongly disagree 177 10.6 Missing 2355 399) GOVFNAID (To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?) The government should give financial assistance to college students from low-income families, even if it might require a tax increase to pay for it. RANGE: 1 to 5 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1713 2.521 1.084 1) Strongly agree 281 16.4 2) Agree 681 39.8 3) Neither agree nor disagree 419 24.5 4) Disagree 242 14.1 5) Strongly disagree 90 5.3 Missing 2319 400) HIVAFRAID Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following comments. I would be afraid to be around a person with HIV because I would be worried I could get infected. RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2174 1.685 0.933 1) Strongly disagree 1249 57.5 2) Disagree 508 23.4 3) Agree 270 12.4 4) Strongly agree 147 6.8 Missing 1858 401) HIVIMMRL (Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following comments.) People who have HIV have participated in immoral activities. RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2032 1.653 0.875 1) Strongly disagree 1163 57.2 2) Disagree 500 24.6 3) Agree 280 13.8 4) Strongly agree 89 4.4 Missing 2000 402) HIVDSCRM (Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following comments.) There is a lot of discrimination against people with HIV in this country today. RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1976 2.781 0.848 1) Strongly disagree 161 8.1 2) Disagree 490 24.8 3) Agree 945 47.8 4) Strongly agree 380 19.2 Missing 2056 403) STRVBIAS Which do you think should be the bigger priority for the U.S. criminal justice system today? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 1149 1.665 0.472 1) Strengthening law and order through more police and greater enforcement of the laws 385 33.5 2) Reducing bias against minorities in the criminal justice system by reforming court and police practices 764 66.5 Missing 2883 404) RACESURV17 How much, if at all, do you think the legacy of slavery affects the position of Black people in American society today? RANGE: 1 to 4 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2340 2.168 1.064 1) A great deal 802 34.3 2) A fair amount 704 30.1 3) Not much 474 20.3 4) Not at all 360 15.4 Missing 1692 405) DEFUND Do you favor or oppose reducing funding for police departments, and moving those funds to mental health, housing, and other social services? RANGE: 1 to 2 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2344 1.594 0.491 1) Favor 952 40.6 2) Oppose 1392 59.4 Missing 1688 406) POLTRTBLK The following questions are about police and law enforcement. In general, do the police (treat Whites better than Blacks, treat them both the same, or treat Blacks better than Whites/treat Blacks better than Whites, treat them both the same, or treat Whites better than Blacks)? RANGE: 1 to 7 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2328 2.382 1.344 1) Treat Whites much better than Blacks 914 39.3 2) Treat Whites moderately better than Blacks 452 19.4 3) Treat Whites a little better than Blacks 167 7.2 4) Treat both the same 765 32.9 5) Treat Blacks a little better than Whites 19 0.8 6) Treat Blacks moderately better than Whites 5 0.2 7) Treat Blacks much better than Whites 6 0.3 Missing 1704 407) POLTRTHSP In general, do the police (treat Whites better than Latinos, treat them both the same, or treat Latinos better than Whites/treat Latinos better than Whites, treat them both the same, or treat Whites better than Latinos)? RANGE: 1 to 7 N Mean Std. Deviation Total 2315 2.513 1.318 1) Treat Whites much better than Latinos 761 32.9 2) Treat Whites moderately better than Latinos 509 22.0 3) Treat Whites a little better than Latinos 174 7.5 4) Treat both the same 856 37.0 5) Treat Latinos a little better than Whites 3 0.1 6) Treat Latinos moderately better than Whites 6 0.3 7) Treat Latinos much better than Whites 6 0.3 Missing 1717
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